Chapter 7

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The next day, I put my boots and, grab the two VIP tickets and start walking across to John's house. I really need to learn how to drive.

Half way there my phone beeps really loudly. I pull it out and see I have received an email from Jürgen.

Hi Lola,

Your brother just told me about John and how you're taking him and his mum VIP tickets.

You are very kind, and could you ask him if he wants to come and help me with training a week on Sunday?

Thanks Lola.

From, Jürgen.

Aw, he wants John to help him, that's really sweet of him. I reply, saying that I would do that and I write it down on a piece of paper and put it in the envelope with the tickets and carry on walking.

I reach their front door and ring the doorbell. John opens it, wearing in his school uniform. "Hi Lola!" He says excitedly. His mum comes and stands behind him. "You came just in time, we're leaving for school in fifteen."

I smile and her the envelope. "The two tickets are in there, my brother said he'll sign a shirt for you and take a picture with you, oh and also, there is some little details in there because, a week this coming Sunday, Klopp would like you to help him out with Liverpool's training." I tell them.

"Thank you so much! John's very excited!" His mum smiles. "Not a problem! I'll leave you to finish getting ready for school now, see you at the weekend." I smile and leave after saying goodbye. I get a taxi to Melwood and walk over to Jurgen.

"Hey Mr I have a massive bruise on my face!" I laugh in his ear. "Hey Miss I like bruising people's faces." He replies. "Haha very funny. It was an accident." I giggle. "I know. Gosh I missed your humour." He smiled. "I missed your humour too." I smile softly.

"Do you think your brother would mind if we kissed right now?" He asks. "I don't care about what he thinks." I say. Jürgen leans down, towards me and connects our lips. We kiss for a little while. "Aw, aren't they cute?" Roberto and Philippe squeal. I laugh at them. "Trust you two to say that, you two annoy me." I reply to all them.

"Leave them be Lola, anyway, did you drop the tickets off for John?" Jürgen asks. I nod. "Lola, you're such a nice person." Philippe says. "I know I am, twerp." I make everyone laugh. "It's so nice what you did for John." Joe Allen says. "She is a very nice person, back in Hoffenheim, she once went around the hospital giving out tickets to everyone in the hospital including most the staff." Roberto tells everyone.

"Your sister is an amazing person." Milner says. "She is lovely." My brother agrees. "Thanks guys, I know I'm lovely, I'm the nicest in the family, am I correct?"

My brother frowns. "Now, I'm not so sure about that Miss I'm an hour and a half older than you blah blah blah." He says. "Oh really Mr an hour and a half isn't that much blah blah ba." I raise an eyebrow. "Firmino and Firmino, remember what I told you?" Phil buts in.

"Get out of this argument twerp." Roberto says. "Hey! That's my nickname for him!" I sulk. "Grow up Lola." Berto snaps. "Get a proper job."

"Stop being so smart."

"Well, I did go to college and uni soo."

"I don't care, why don't you be a footballer? It's better and more useful than being a historian or politician. That's a waste of time and only boring people do that stuff."

I gasp. "Are you calling me boring?"

"Yes, now, piss off." He snaps. Despite everyone minus my brother yelling at me to come back, I dart out of the training grounds and go to the nearest bus stop and wait there.

Soon enough a bus comes, I stick my arm out to stop the bus. It screeches to a halt and opens the doors. "Can I get an adult to Liverpool, please?" I ask.

"Return?" I shake my head, no. "Okay, that's four pounds eighty please." I pay with a five pound note. "Thanks." I take the change and my ticket off of the driver and go take a seat.

If my brother wants me to go away then I will. I don't know where but oh well. My phone notifies me that I have an email.

Hi Lola,

Your brother is really mad at himself, he's sat in a corner crying.

He says he didn't mean to snap and that he's sorry, and that he understands if you don't want to go home.

I told him, I'll email you and check up on you. If you want you can come and stay over at mine. I'll let you know when trainings over and just let me know where you are and I'll pick you up.


I immediately respond to Jürgen.


My brother always gets mad after upsetting me, I know this because he upsets me a lot.

I don't really want to go home, not forever, but I don't want to be there right now.

Can I stay over at yours? That'd be great!

Thanks, Lola.

I hop off the bus once it got to the city centre and thank the driver. I walk towards my favourite place, the docks and sit by a bench there. I take a few photos of the sun slowly setting before sliding my phone back into my bag and start crying.

"Miss, are you okay?" I look up and see Everton's John Stones. "Yeah, I'm fine." He sits down next to me. "Okay, I don't believe you but whatever. Wait, you look familiar." He says. I show him a picture of Roberto. "You got it yet?"

"You're his younger sister!" He exclaims. "That's right."

"He's a bit of a dick, but I love him most of the time." I tell him about what happened at Melwood. "Oh, I'm sorry that you fell out with him." John says. "Siblings isn't it?" I laugh, John nods in agreement. "So, is that why you've come down here? To get away from him?"

"Yes, the past few times he's upset me I've come down to this exact bench. I really like it. Last time I came here, yesterday, I met a little boy, also named John. He's a big Liverpool fan so I gave him and his mum free VIP tickets and he gets to meet my brother after." I tell him.

"Wow, you're a really nice person, aren't you?" He looks at me in amazement. "I get told this a lot." I say. John and I talk for a bit longer before he realises he has go. "Well it was nice meeting you." He says. "Yeah, it was nice meeting you as well." We said our goodbyes and he left.

My phone beeps again.


Training is over, I'm in my car.

Where are you?


I reply, letting him know exactly where I am, even adding a little picture of the things by the bench I've been sat on for the past however long and then send it.

Fifteen minutes later Jürgen appears in front of me and coughs to get my attention. "Oh hi Jürgen, I didn't see you there." I smile. "Of course you didn't, you're messaging someone." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway,we should get going. Don't wanna be out here all night do we?"

I stand up and follow Jürgen to his car. "Lola, can I ask you a question?"

I nod. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Jürgen asks nervously. "Yes, of course." I grin. Jürgen and I share a kiss before it started pouring it down with rain. "Well crap." Jürgen sighs, as the rain rolls down his glasses. I giggle at him. "Oi." He jokes.

I click in my seat belt in Jürgen's car and he starts the engine. He pushes down on the pedal and we set off towards his house. "Thank you for this Jürgen, I appreciate it." I say. "It's not a problem."

"Is my brother okay?" I ask. Jürgen nods. "He's upset but he is fine."

"I feel bad." I sigh. "You shouldn't. Its his fault." Jürgen places his hand on my leg. "Both hands on the wheel." I say as he narrowly dodges a cyclist.

"Got that." He laughs. "It's not funny. We nearly ran that poor person over." 

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