Chapter 12

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--- Four months after the previous chapter---

"You'll never guess what," I whisper shout down the phone to my brother "What?" Roberto asks. "Guess!" I say. "You've got a new job?" 

"No!" I exclaim "I don't know then." My brother says. "I'm pregnant," I say quietly. "Really? Congratulations! Have you told Jurgen?"

A moment of silence passed before my brother spoke again. "You haven't told him, have you?" Roberto sighs from his end of the phone. "No." I squeak out. 

"How long have you known that you're pregnant?" Berto asks. "A while. I had the three-month scan yesterday." I say sheepishly. "For fuck's sake Lola."

"I don't know what to say to him! How the hell am I supposed to announce the fact that I'm pregnant to him?" I hiss.  "I don't know either."

"Do I just walk up to him and go 'oh yeah Jurgen, three months ago you knocked me up an in half a year's time we're going to have a baby Klopp running around'?" I say sarcastically. "I mean, that's one way to go about it." 

"Well, have fun trying to figure out how to announce it to your husband." Roberto hangs up on me. "Well fuck you then."

"Honey?" Jurgen calls me from downstairs. "Yeah?" I shout back "I'm leaving for the match now I'll be back in a few days." I run down the stairs and over to him. "See you later." I hug him "Bye." He pecks my lips before exiting the house.

"At least I have some extra time to figure out how to tell him," I say to myself. I sit down and think for a while. How could I break the news to him?


The days had passed slowly, but finally, I heard the key turn in the front door. Jurgen is stood in the doorway grinning at me.  "Jurgen!" I stand up and go over to hug him. "I missed you." I say. "I missed you too." He leans down and places a kiss on my lips. 

"Can I tell you something?" I ask nervously. "Of course you can baby. Don't sound so nervous, I'm sure it's not so bad." Jurgen says. "Hang on, I need to get something first." I dart upstairs to the draw in which I had my ultrasound photos in. I grab the envelope and run back downstairs.

"Here, open this." I hand my husband the envelope. "What is it?"He asks. "Just, open it." I say.  Jurgen carefully opens the envelope and pulls out the photos. He studies them for a moment before looking up at me.

"Are these? Are you? Is it mine?" Jurgen stumbles out a bunch of questions. "They are, yes. I am, yes. It is yours, yes." I smile at him. He pulls me into a hug. "I can't believe it! We're going to have a proper little family." Jurgen grins down at me. "I can't wait to have this child with you."

"Does your brother know?" My husband asks "Yeah, he was the first person I told. I'm sorry." I whisper. "It's fine, I understand. Don't worry." 

"I promise you that I was going to tell you sooner, I just got really nervous." I smile shyly. "Why?" He asks gently. "I was scared you wouldn't want the baby and leave me or something. I don't know."

"Honey, you didn't need to worry. I would never leave you ever and I'm so excited to be having this baby with you." Jürgen strokes circles on my back.

"I'm glad." I kiss him.

A/n: Sorry for taking so long to update, but enjoy? I'll try and write a longer chapter soon

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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