Chapter 9

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"What do you want Lola? We're in the middle of a FIFA match." Berto snaps, when he picks up the phone. "Geez, Jurgen popped by not to long ago to tell me that the game's later TODAY and I wanted to make sure you were asleep and not still playing FIFA, so if I were you, I'd go to bed if you want to play tomorrow."

"Okay, PHIL WE NEED TO SLEEP WE GOTTA A GAME LATER! Bye Lola, thanks, bye." He hangs up on my. "I think he might just of made me go deaf in my right ear." I turn to Aine who was sat next to me on the sofa.

"He was rather loud wasn't he?" She sighs, rubbing her eyes. "C'mon, let's go to bed. I'll take you to the spare room, I'll also get some of my spare pajamas out for you. You look about the same size as me."

I show her upstairs and into the spare bedroom. "Hang on, let me go get you some pajamas." I walk into my bedroom and grab the top pair in my wardrobe drawer and go back to Aine and hand them to her, she thanks me.

"Night!" I change and flick off my light switch and close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. I had this really weird dream about my brother.

"Lola, you are so rude, what the hell. How are we even related? Get out of my house, I never want to see you again." Roberto yells at me, I scamper out the door, I don't close it. I turn to look at my brother one last time. "GO AWAY!" He screams and slams the door. I break down and cry.

He opens the door. "What part of go away, I never want to see you again don't you get Puta? I'm going to have to take you away. Get into the back of my car NOW!" I obey my brother and get into the backseat of his car. He drives off and stops at a bridge.

"Out." Roberto orders. I clamber out of the car. "Stand here." He pushes me off the side of the bridge. With that I bolt up, crying. I look around me and still see my bedroom, a little fuzzy as I am crying, but it's still there.

Aine walks into my bedroom. "Lola, are you okay?" She sits at the foot of my bed. "I had a bad dream that's all." I fake smile.

"Tell me about it?" Aine asks, I explain the dream to her. "Do you want to call Roberto?" She asks, I nod. She picks my phone up from my bedside table and finds his contact number in my list of contacts.

"Hello?" My brothers sleepy voice comes through the phone. "Hi Roberto, I'm sorry if I woke you up. Lola wanted me to call you, she just had a really bad nightmare." Aine explains.

"Is she okay? I'm coming home, I'll drag Philippe with me." He snaps awake. "Okay." Aine and Berto hang up on each other. Fifteen minutes later, we hear a car pull up in our driveway.

Heavy footsteps run up the stairs. "Lola, are you alright?" Roberto comes and sits next to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I nod uncertainly and cry into his shoulder. "What was the dream about?" He asks.

"I was apparently being rude,you yelled at me to leave, I left but didn't shut the door. You slammed the door shut, I sat down and cried. You came back out yelled at me, drove me to a bridge and pushed, pushed me off." I explain to him.

His eyes widen. "Lola, I'm sorry you had a dream like that. I would never hurt you, ever. I love you baby sister."

"I love you too big brother." I giggle through the tears. "Phil and Aine, do you two want to go and sleep in the guest room Aine was in before?" Roberto asks. They nod and walk out my bedroom door.

"Do you want me to stay here with you for a bit?" Berto asks me. "Yes please."

I hug my brother and eventually, we both fall asleep. I wake up a few hours later to my phone buzzing. I turn over and look at it.

Phil.Coutinho tagged you in a post on Instagram.

I open it and it's a picture of me and my brother asleep, captioned 'Sibling goals'

I roll my eyes and close them again. I try my best to go back to sleep, but Philippe running in the room and screaming.


"Shut up Philippe, it's too early." Roberto moans. "It's too early, Phil. Let me sleep." I turn over and cover my ears with one of my pillows. "Well,we have to be there in about half an hour. Lola, Aine will take you across to Anfield later before the game so you can sleep a bit longer."

"Yay." I roll over and block out the two lads. Then I remembered, I get to see Jurgen later. I sit up, quickly, hitting my elbow on my chest of draws. "Lola? I thought you were going back to sleep?" Roberto asks.

"I get to see Jurgen today!" I grin. "Lola, we all know you love Jurgen but please just shut up and go back to sleep."

I ignore Philippe and dash to the bathroom so I can go to pee. I flush the toilet and walk back into my room. "Guys, would you please get out of my room so I can get changed, I'll make you breakfast after."I say.

"Okay!" They run out to goodness knows where. I start to cook some bacon off for everybody, minus me.


Aine and I pull up at the stadium, I hop out and run towards the stadium."Calm down Missus Klopp." Aine laughs, locking her car and following me into Anfield. We go to the home dressing rooms and I bang on the door. "I'm coming in. I don't care if you're all decent or not." I place my hand over my eyes and walk in.

"Hey sister." I hear Roberto say. "Hi Berto." I reply. "Everyone decent?" I ask. "Yeah." I take my hand off my eyes and Berto was only in his underwear.

"CLOTHES BERTO!" I yelled. "Sorry!" He laughs with the rest of the team. "I hate you all." I say, my hand was back over my eyes. "Are you sure you hate everyone?" A voice says from behind me and a pair of hands find their way ont my waist.

"Everyone minus you." I spin around and hug Jurgen. "Haha good." He kisses me on the lips, I deepen the kiss. "Alright, I'd rather not watch my sister and manager have sex right now." Roberto says, making Jurgen and I break apart.

"That's much better." My brother comments. "Shut it Berto, nobody wants yur irritating commentary." I roll my eyes. "Is it safe to come in?" Aine asks from outside. "Yep." I call, she walks in and straight over to Philippe. "Good luck." She pecks his cheek.

"RIght, we'd better get seated." I stroll out of the changing rooms, Aine right behind me. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Berto asks. "Oh yeah, god luck Jurgen." I stand on my tip toes and kiss his nose. "Not what I meant."

"Good luck Phil, Joe, Jordan and everyone else." I walk out again. "Thanks Lola!"
"I didn't say it to you, loser." I look over my shoulder at my brother. "Whatever." 

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now