Chapter 8

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Jurgen pulls up outside of his house and we get out of the car. "Come with me and I'll show you a room." Jurgen says. After he shows me one of the spare rooms, I thank him and then he exits the room.

I sit down on the bed and open my phone. 43 missed calls from Broberto I change his contact name to Brother.

I decided to call him back. "Hello? Lola?" Phil picks up. "Hi Phil, two questions. One, why are you on my brothers phone? Two, can I speak to my brother please?"

"He left his phone here and he told Jurgen he's going to pick you up around about now from his." Phil explains. "He's coming here and left you alone in our house? God he's stupid." I sigh.

"I won't ruin it. I promise." Philippe squeaks. "Fine, I trust you. If you do ruin it, you are never allowed back in it. Ever." He hangs up on me.

"Typical Phil." I hear a voice in the doorframe. "Roberto?" I stand up and walk over to him. "Last time I checked that my name." He chuckles.

"I missed you." I say. "I missed you also, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I was in bad mood." Berto hugs me.

"It's fine. I was being a little annoying." I hug him back. "You want to come home?"

I nod. "I do, I hope Phil hasn't wrecked it." I grin. "Lets go say graçias to Jurgen and leave." He says.

"Okay, just remember, it's thank you in English." I whisper.

We both thank Jurgen, Roberto still saying graçias and we left. I climb into my brothers car and we start off, homeward bound. "Knock knock Phil. Neither of us have keys." I yell through the post flap on our door.

The door swings open and Phil pops out. "Come in! I cooked dinner!"

"You mean, you watched me cook dinner." His wife, Aine, says. Phi; laughs nervously and blushes. "Hi, it's nice to finally meet you, Phil goes on about you a lot." Me and Berto say at the same time.

"Nice to meet you two, too." Aine smiles. Me and my twin pull off our shoes and wash our hands before following the Coutinho's into the kitchen and I pull out a chair and sit down.

Aine hands me a plate of stuffed pasta. "It's the four cheese filling one, it's fine for you to eat." She whispers. "Thank you." I smile. After everyone was sat at the table and had their food, we started eating. "This is amazing, thank you Aine!" I exclaim.

The boys agree with me, Aine smiles. I help her clear up and wash up while Phil and Roberto go off to play FIFA. "So you're Roberto's baby sister?" She asks. "Yep, I hate it sometimes." I laugh.

"We talk some more about life and stuff. "We're literally besties and we only met an hour and a half ago."

"Um, Aine, we're going home now." Phil enters the kitchen. "NO! PHILIPPE! YOU CAN'T STEAL MY BEST FRIEND OFF OF ME! YOU GUYS ARE STAYING OVER NIGHT!" I yell down Philippe's ear. "Ow, my ear and we'll have to speak to your brother about that."

"Speak to me about what?" Roberto raises an eyebrow. "Nothing. I just decided that Phil and Aine are staying over tonight." I say. The two lads look at each other. "We're going to Phil's, bye." Roberto says.

"My god, why is this so sad?" We had tears streaming down our faces, and a knock came at the front door. "Who'd come over this time of night? It can't be our idiots because they're probably playing FIFA." I say, we grab a knife each and inch closer to the front door.

"Jurgen! What the flip!" I scream. "Why the knives? Where's your brother? Isn't he supposed to protect you from random people knocking on your door at eleven fifty at night?" Jurgen asks, laughing.

"I hate you, urgh. We were terrified." I sigh. "We? Your brother, scared?"

"No, he's over at Philippe's house, I got his wife." I explain. "Oh cool." Jurgen smiles. "I was wondering if you got home alright, your brother was driving really quickly and I thought he'd crash his car."

"He does drive ridiculously quick, I need to learn to drive so I can get places safely without having to worry about my life." We all laugh.

"Yeah, I should get going now, we got a match later, could you message the boys and tell them not to stay up much longer?" Jurgen asks. "Yep sure."

"Okay, bye Lola." He waves. "Wait, come back for one second." I say. He makes his way back over to my front door and I kiss him. He kisses me back, we kiss for a few seconds and then we both break apart.

"See you tomorrow love!" He calls, walking out to his car. "See you tomorrow, my favourite German." I wave and close the front door. "You and Jurgen are a thing?" Aine asks.

"Yep." I answer. "Your brother's okay with it?" She asks uncertainly. "Okay with it? Jeez, he was really excited for some strange reason." I roll my eyes at the memory. "Your brother was excited? Wow, mine kept going 'be careful Aine, Philippe's a footballer and you know what they are like.'" She giggles.

"Wow. I'm quickly going to ring Roberto to make sure they aren't still playing FIFA." 

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now