Chapter 5

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I race Roberto down the stairs to get to the sofa and I switch the television on, I grab the Amazon remote and go onto Netflix and press play on the next Pretty Little Liars episode.

Halfway through the episode it got really scary, causing me to scream. Roberto laughs at me. "It's not funny. It's really scary." I whine. "Come here." He sighs. I go sit next to him and he hugs me. "Roberto. Do you miss Brazil?" I ask out of nowhere.

"Yes, why?" Berto replies to my question. "I don't know, it just came to my head out of nowhere. When is the next international game?" I ask. "I don't know, soon? Do you miss Brazil Lola?"

"Yes, I miss it a lot. The past few times we've been back, we haven't stayed very long. One day I might go by myself to spend a bit more time. Saying that, I'll come back to mountains of your dirty clothes and thousands of takeaway boxes because you can't cook." I sigh.

"Don't worry, I can look after myself. Anyway, I think it's time for bed. I have training tomorrow and you have your date with Jurgen." Roberto smiles. "Okay, night brother!" I get up off the sofa and turn off the TV and all the lights, then lock the doors.

I quickly fall asleep. Nine hours later, I get rudely awoken by my idiot of a brother. "I'm going to training now! Bye!" He smiles.

"Have you eaten?" I ask. He nods, I groan. "Please don't tell me you cooked."

"Don't worry, I have some cereal and a banana. Bye!" He goes back downstairs and a few minutes later I hear the door slam shut and his car rolling out of the driveway. I get up and go to the toilet. "Oh fuck. Why did my period have to start now? Out of all the times to come as well." I sigh and pull a pad of the draw next to my toilet.

After sorting that problem out, I get dressed and go make some toast for breakfast. It suddenly occurred to me, how am I going to meet Jurgen later? I go to send him an email but see that he got there first.

Hi Lola.

I just realised that I didn't tell you how to meet me later. I have asked Roberto for your address so I can pick you up at around six pm tonight.

Jurgen x

Jurgen is picking me up at six. That gives me time to write some more of my book. Roberto doesn't know this but I'm starting to write a history book about the Ancient Greeks. I'd nearly finished the last bit of the book and then I'd be able to find a publisher that would accept my book.

I hope I can get it published, it'd be absolutely amazing to be a published historian. I'd contacted a few publishing houses already. None had replied yet.

After a few hours of writing, I fixed myself some lunch. I cooked a vegetarian chicken breast and put some salad with it. I sit and watch a film on Netflix just to pass time. After it'd finished I started watching the sequel it, and half way through it Roberto came home.

"Hi Lola, you have half an hour until Jurgen picks you up so I suggest you get up off your ass and sort yourself out so you're ready when he comes." Roberto grins. "Okay, why are you so excited that I'm going out with him?" I ask.

He doesn't answer he just shoves me in the direction of the stairs. I go up them and go into my bedroom. I grab my tote bag and shove my phone, purse,keys and drinks bottle into it. I go to my wardrobe and pull my coat and Doctor Martins out and put them on.

"You're ready!Ten minutes Lola!" Berto says, excitedly. "I still don't get why you are so excited about me going out with your manager." I say, confusedly. The doorbell rings before I get an answer from him.

"Off you go! Have fun, bye!" He pushes me to the door. I open it. "Hi Philippe, my brother thought you were Jurgen." I said loudly enough, that from the kitchen, my brother could hear me. "Hi Lola, your brother's weird."

"I'm not." Roberto appears by my side."Oh, but you are." I smirk. "Am not." He whines. We both argue over this for another five minutes with Phil going "Ooh!" Every minute or so. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" A voice asks. "Hi Jurgen, the Firmino's are argueing." Phil grins.

"We aren't." I say. "We are." Roberto argues back. "I see. Let me take one of them away for you so you don't have to put up with them arguing." Jurgen smiles at Phil.

"Come on Lola let's go." He says to me. "Go on shoo." Berto pushes me out the door. "Bye Loser." I roll my eyes. "What were you two arguing about?" Jurgen asks, once we got into his car.

"It was Philippe's fault. He called Roberto stupid, Roberto said he wasn't and then I agreed with Phil." I sigh. "Interesting."

My Brother's Manager ~ Jürgen KloppWhere stories live. Discover now