chapter 4

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Youngjae's p.o.v.

I woke up feeling two strong arms wrapped around me. I turn around to see Jaebum hugging me like a teddy bear.

As I'm looking at him, I can see his features. His lips, nose, eyes and his moles above the eye. He really is handsome.

As I'm looking, I can feel Jaebum moving so I close my eyes because I don't want him to see me staring at him.

Jaebum's p.o.v.

As I wake up I can feel a pair of eyes on me. When I open my eyes, I see Youngjae pretending to sleep. He is so cute and so close that I can feel his breath on my neck.

"I know I'm handsome. You don't have to stare." I say. "I'm s-sorry Jaebum. I didn't mean to stare at you." He said while blushing. Wait, is he blushing??

"It's ok, I was just joking. Good morning." "G-good morning Bummie" Youngjae said still blushing because of their closeness. "Bummie?" "Yes, it's a n-nickname. You don't like it?"

"I love it"

Author's p.o.v.

After their talk in the bedroom, the two boys decided to eat breakfast.

"Youngjae,  I know we just met but would you like to stay here with me?" Jaebum said hoping he would say yes. Jaebum didn't want to leave the hybrid alone. "I don't want to bother you." " You won't bother me Youngjae. I don't want to leave you." " Yes, I want to stay here." Youngjae said which made Jaebum smile.


A week had past since Youngjae said that he wants to live with Jaebum and the boys got closer. Jaebum started to slowly fall in love with the younger. Everything about him: his features, the way he acted made Jaebum fall in love.

Youngjae started to like the older boy too. He was kind, not like his master. But Youngjae knows nothing about love. He was never loved and he never loved someone.

He was always blushing when Jaebum looked at the younger and Jaebum noticed that. So he decided to tease Youngjae. He even gave him a nickname. His nickname is Kitty. Jaebum thought it was the best nickname for him since he is a cat hybrid.

Jaebum planned something. He wants to take Youngjae out on a date. So he made a plan. They would eat at a diner then go for a walk in the park holding hands and if Youngjae wanted, they would go and eat ice cream. When they get home, Jaebum would confess his feelings hoping that the younger will feel the same.

What he doesn't know is that the younger has feelings for him too but he doesn't know how to say it. He is scared because he thinks that Jaebum doesn't feel the same. So he stays quiet.


Words: 489

Another chapter

What do you think:  will Jaebum's plan work?
Will Youngjae confess even if he's scared of rejection?

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