chapter 3

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Jaebum's p.o.v.

"Hey are you OK? "
"... " The boy doesn't say anything.
"My name is Jaebum, what's your name? " I ask hoping for an answer.
"M-my name is Y-youngjae." He says. I noticed something on his head and when I looked closer I saw 2 black cat ears and a black tail. He is a hybrid.  A cat hybrid.

"Hey Youngjae it's ok I won't hurt you. Come here." Youngjae came closer to me and I can see that he is very beautiful. He has a cute nose, cute kissable lips, brown big eyes and a mole right under his right eye which makes him even more cute and beautiful.

"What happened, why are you crying? " I ask hoping that he would tell me the reason why he is alone and crying in the park. "H-how do I k-know that y-you won't hurt m-me?" He says while sobbing. "I would never hurt you Youngjae. I want to help you. Please tell me what happened"

He hesitates but tells me. "My m-master was hurting m-me so I ran away but I don't k-know where I am and I'm h-hungry and c-cold. "

Why would anyone hurt someone so precious like him. I take off my jacket and offer it to him. He takes it but he is still a little scared around me. Poor boy, I don't even want to think what his master did to him.

"Hey Youngjae, would you like to go home with me?  It's getting late and it's cold and I don't want to leave you here alone" I say feeling a little nervous because I don't want to scare him.

Youngjae's p.o.v.

I don't know if I should trust Jaebum. What if he hurts me too? But I don't want to stay here in this park alone.

"Yes" I say quiet but not so quiet so he can hear me. "Come with me" He says and I quickly follow him.

Author's p.o.v.

Jaebum took Youngjae home with him. He didn't know what to do. If Youngjae was tired or hungry. He didn't want to scare the poor boy.

When they got home Jaebum unlocked the door and went inside, Youngjae following him. The house wasn't very big but it wasn't very small either, it was perfect for Jaebum, Youngjae thought.

"Are you hungry Youngjae? " Jaebum asked hoping that he would say yes and that he won't see him as someone dangerous. "Yes" Youngjae said quietly. "What do you want to eat Youngjae" "It doesn't matter." Youngjae replied.

After they ate Jaebum gave Youngjae some of his clothes so he can sleep more comfortably. After they changed their clothes it was silent. Youngjae didn't know what to say. Jaebum decided to break the silence.

"Youngjae is it ok for you if I call some of my friends over? Their boyfriends are hybrids too. " Jaebum said. Hearing the word hybrids Youngjae nodded fast feeling happy about meeting someone like him. Jaebum then called the boys and told them to come over fast.

After 30 minutes of waiting the doorbell rang an did boys came into the house.

"Where is he?" Jinyoung and BamBam asked at the same time feeling excited about meeting another hybrid.

"He is in the living room. But please don't scare him. He was very scared when I found him." Jaebum said feeling a little worried about Youngjae.

The two hybrids went in the living room and stopped when they saw a cute boy sitting nervous on the couch.

"Hello, my name is Jinyoung and he is BamBam" The two hybrids introduced themselves to Youngjae. "H-hello my n-name is Youngjae" He answered stuttering because he was very nervous to meet the other boys.

"You are so cute. You don't have to be nervous. Nice to meet you Youngjae" The boys said. "Nice to meet you too" He answered. "Youngjae meet my friends Mark, Jackson, Yugyeom, BamBam and Jinyoung" Jaebum said.

*1 hour later*

The seven boys talked and got to know each other better. They learned a lot of things about Youngjae and his past. Sadly it was getting late so the other boys had to leave. Youngjae and Jaebum were in the living room deciding how to sleep.

"You can sleep in my room Youngjae and I will sleep here on the couch." Jaebum said. "Hyung can you sleep with me in your room? I'm s-scared of the dark." Youngjae said feeling a little embarrassed. "Of course Youngjae. I will sleep with you. Come on let's get to bed. It's pretty late." Jaebum answered. Jaebum was hugging Youngjae like a teddy bear and both boys fell asleep in each other's arms.


Words: 817

Youngjae is getting comfortable around Jaebum.
What do you think will happen next?  Will they be happy together?
Will Youngjae open up more to Jaebum?

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