chapter 30

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Author's p.o.v.

Youngjae has been missing for over two weeks now. No one saw him and no one can find him.

Jaebum has been doing very badly. He can't look at his kids without crying and he can't stay alone. The guys are always there. They basically live with him.

Youngjae is also doing badly. Kai has been angry lately and he is taking his anger on Youngjae.

He is beating the poor hybrid who can't even move.

Youngjae is trying not to anger him more. He knows that if Kai is very angry, something worst than beating could happen. And Youngjae doesn't want that.

Mark's p.o.v.

Jaebum hasn't been eating much lately. He always cries. I have never seen my best friend cry so much. Never.

"Jaebum please eat. " I say. I am trying to make him eat and after a hour of trying, he still doesn't want to eat.

"Please Jaebum, Jinyoung cooked your favorite food. Just eat. " I try again.

"No, I'm not hungry. " He says.

"You've been saying that every day. You need to be strong. You need to be strong for Hoseok and Hani. What if Youngjae comes back and he sees you like this?  How do you think he would feel? Man up and be strong for your family Jaebum. Now eat" I say. I am slowly getting frustrated.

"He won't come back. Mark I can't even look at my kids. Everytime I look at them I only see Youngjae. I can't be strong Mark. Not now. But I will eat a little bit." He says.

Finally he eats.

Jaebum's p.o.v.

I know I have to be strong. But I can't. I really can't. Without Youngjae I am weak.

I hope he comes back. I need him so much.

I miss him. I miss his smile, his voice telling me to wake up, his hugs, when he sings to the babies.

God please tell me he is alright. Please give me a sign. Anything that would tell me where he is.

As I'm praying in my head, my phone rings.

Please help me

"Mark I got a message. Maybe this is Youngjae. He is trying to contact me. He needs our help." I say. Maybe this is really him.

"I don't know what to say. For more than two weeks we didn't get a sign and now you got a message saying 'please help me'. It could me a prank or this really is Youngjae. I will tell the police. Maybe we can find him. " Mark says.

He is right. It could be some prank. Or this really is Youngjae.

Youngjae's p.o.v.

Kai has left for a couple of hours so I was able to get my phone and sent a message to Jaebum.

I really hope he will save me. I can't stay here anymore.

Kai is more aggressive and he gets angry very fast.

I'm scared he will do something to me. I really hope he won't do anything.

This is me, Youngjae. I'm in a house in the middle of the woods. Kai is not home so I was able to get my phone and send you a message. Please hurry and save me. I love you.

I write another message and press send.

All I can do now is wait and hope that he will come and save me.


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