◇Chapter 10◇

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Hi guys. MY BOOK HAS OVER 100  READS!!! Ahhhh! Thank you guys so much! Especially close friend @Alanyababe. She has really been motivating me and helping me getting my book out there. This early update is especially for her and all my readers who have been commenting and voting,  Sashrine. It means a lot to me 😘❤


"Bye Isa."

I watched him walk into the building holding his homemade abacus proudly. I walked to the bus stop humming, my mind replaying the great weekend I had. Surprisingly the bus came before I had reached the bus stop and I hopped in, sitting at the front behind the driver. The atmosphere was filled with friendly chatter. The scenery outside my window was beautiful and fresh. What I loved the most about spring was seeing something that was once withered and cold bloom into something bright and vibrant.

The bus came to a stop and the students,  including myself,  descended the metal steps. I saw Desia and Grayson standing to the side of the entrance and walked over to them.

"Hey guys." I hugged them both.

"Hiiii!" they said in unison.

I knitted my brows at their stance behaviour. They walked off giggling  and I followed suit. When I got to my locker I saw Zale and his friends speaking to Sarah and her friends. When he saw me he smiled and I smiled back feeling a bit warm. Sarah  immediately started talking to him trying to drift his attention from me. To my surprise and utmost delight he cut her off and walked over to me,  not breaking eye contact. She was fuming like a kettle that had stayed too long on the fire and Remi, Ezekiel and Serbian took the opportunity to laugh at her. She shot them a devilish glare and stomped off. I was surprised she didn't break her foot.

Zale leaned his side on the locker beside mine and folded his arms over his muscular, toned chest. A boyish grin was plastered on his face. I started placing my books in my lighly decorated locker. His eyes were following my every move and I was starting to fell a tat nervous.

"What?" I stopped and stared back at him. Just as he was about to answer Mrs. Hale walked up to us.

"Good morning Isa, Zale.  Have your parents signed the permission slips?"

"Yes." Zale answered and she smiled at him. Both their eyes fell on me. 

"My father hasn't gotten the chance to yet."

"Okay. Well remind him to do it A. S. A. P. Remember it's after next week. My deadline is next week Friday." She smiled and walked back to the teacher's office with her broad hips swaying.  A few perverted guys turned to look at her ass after she had passed them.

Zale looked down on me, his smile completely gone. He figured out that my father hadn't come home yet. I didn't mind at all,  I don't see why he did. Probably if he knew what he did to me when he's home then he'd be overjoyed when he left.

"I'll see you in class." I slammed my locker shut.

"I look forward to it." his charming eyes danced with enthusiasm.

I walked off the with a tint a pink in my cheeks.

On Tuesday during lunch time  we went to the river that Zale had showed me. We both had a free session after so it was more time spent together. Wednesday after school Zale and I went to a diner downtown to have the 'best burgers ever made' and to be honest they really were superb. Extra cheese and mayo. Yum. On Thursday I got 80% on a math test and I was a little disappointed seeing I was expecting at least 95%. Zale came over with a pizza to cheer me up and we ate while listening to various Rap,Hip Hop and R&B songs. He was definitely the type of guy that you could  chill with and have a dozen conversations about random things... Including nonsense. I would never have guessed he was this 'down to earth'. I felt like I knew him and we were becoming more close each time we hung out. Desia kept telling me that I was in love with him but I didn't think I was. Yeah I liked him but. . .wait. . .I like him!

It was Friday evening and I was at Desia's. We were laying on her bed talking.

"What do you mean you don't know if he likes you! Look at how he treats you Isa. I mean the guy showed up with a pizza at your house and spent the entire evening with you just to cheer you up and anyone who knows you knows that that's the perfect thing to do to cheer you up.  He ignores everyone else just to talk to you and by everyone else I mean Sarah. He's taken you out more than once and he made extra effort in getting Quin to like him.  Come on Isa use your brain!" She poked my forehead with her index finger three times.

"Ouch." I rubbed my forehead. "Your right but to be honest I think it would be better if we stay friends."

Desia turned on her side facing me and rested her head in her hand. "He's not your father Isa."

The sentence was a spear to my heart.

"I know but. . .I loved my father and then one day he completely changed. He got abusive and controlling. I never knew he could be like this Desia. The once loving, protective role model I knew is now gone. Zale is loving and attentive and I always feel safe when I'm with him. . .but what if it's just a lie? What if he's just pretending to get what he wants? What if he turns into the same person my father is? Or worst?" Desia held my hand and squeezed it. "It's hard Desia it's just hard. I'm so afraid." My voice broke and a tear slithered  freely from my eye.

"Ooooo don't cry." She hugged me tightly. "I understand. If it makes you feel any better get to know him a little more. I honestly don't think Zale is that type of person but do what you feel comfortable doing. Do what makes you happy booboo."

That's just it . . .he makes me happy.

This chapter was a bit rushed and short I'm sorry about that if you felt the same way. I promise I'll make it up to you all 💖 So does anyone think Zale is like Isa's father in any way? He's charming, trustworthy, protective, smart, loyal I honestly don't think he could do anything to hurt her. . . Or can he? *smirks evily and strokes imaginary beard*

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