◇Chapter 11◇

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Zale POV

I was sitting on Ezekiel's bed while him and Seth were playing a fighting game on his 53' television. I was thinking about Isa. Lately that's all my mind seemed to want to do. I love how strong she is and how she takes care of her brother. How independent she is, how her eyes glisten when I tell her she's beautiful, how she pouts when I tell her she can't have any ice cream. I chuckled picturing her face in my mind. I love how we can sit and talk for hours and hours about anything.

"I think he's thinking about Isa again." Seth said to Ezekiel.

" Yeah. When was the last time you saw him like this?" Ezekiel answered glancing at him while playing the game.

"Never." They both chuckled.

They were right about that.

"Hey bro are you tapping that?" Ezekiel turned around to face me after Seth had killed him.

I glared at him and pressed my lips into a thin line. 

"Jeez I'm just asking. Damn. . . your in love." he slouched in his chair and strached the faint stumble that was on his chin.

I thought about it for a while. "Maybe I am." I said in an uninterested tone although I was curious about their response.

"Maybe? Please." Ezekiel sipped water from a bottle that was beside his chair.

"Do you realize what you did to Sarah on Monday? Em.ba.rras.sed her." Seth spoke while Ezekiel nodded his head in agreement.

"Straight up embarrassment. The whole school was talking about it. They always thought you were into Sarah."

Alot of persons thought that but I didn't care. I only cared what Isa thought. I wish I was with her right now. I want to hug her so badly... To make her smile.

"Zale!" I snapped my head towards Seth. They both started laughing and turned to face the television again.

"Guys I'll see you later." I got up and pushed my phone into my front pocket.

"Where are you going? You have two more rounds to play."

"I'll be back." I closed the door behind me and got in my car. I dailed Isa's number but it went to voice mail. I contuined driving nonetheless until the Grey house came into my view. I stopped in front of it and rang the door bell.

A few seconds later I saw her. Beautiful didn't even come an inch close to describing her features all meshed together. Her hair was in a ponytail with long curly hair swirling down to her back.  She was in a cotton  white sweater and a pink pijama shorts. As I  opened my mouth to speak she immediately brought her index finger to my lips, shushing me. Warmth radiated through me awakening my already aroused senses. She stepped onto the porch closing the door behind her. I followed her to the back of the house and we sat on a swing bench under a tree.

"Hi." She kept looking at hands while she picked at her nails.

"How are you?" I asked softly.

"I'm good." She glanced at me for a millisecond then looked away.


"Are you sure?" I lowered my head to the side so I could see her face.

She didn't answer.

"Isa what's up?" I started getting worried wondering if she wasn't feeling well or worst if she didn't wanna talk to me. I waited a few more seconds but there was only silence.  "Please answer me."

I placed my hand over hers and she immediately jumped as if my skin electricuted her.

Wth? She's scared of me?

"Isa do you think I'd hurt you?" My heart started to race in my chest.


I cupped her face with both my hands and turned her face towards mine. She looked me staight in the eyes then looked away.

"Isa look at me." I needed her to see the raw honesty in my eyes. "Look at me." My voice croaked a little. She slowly brought her glassy hazelnut eyes up to mine. I could see the slight fear staring back at me.

"I'd never hurt you. Why would you even think that?" Then it hit me. Her shithole of a father. "Isa I'm nothing like your father. I'd kill anybody who ever lay hands on you Belle âme."

Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her slightly red cheeks. I wiped them away gently feeling a squeezing pain around my heart at the sight of her crying. She got up and sat in my lap hugging me tightly around my neck. The action surprised me but nonetheless I gently caressed her back until I no longer felt the warm liquid soaking through my shirt.

"Zale?" she sniffed.


"I'm so sorry. I know you'd never hurt me but.... It's hard..I just... I don't even know how to explain it. " She sat up,  wiping her eyes in a frustrated manner.

"Shhh it's okay. I understand." I encircled her small waist in my hands. A small smile played on her lips.

I never want to see Isa cry again. I wanted to heal her wounds, to make her happy. I wanted her to be mine. I want to be the reason behind her every smile.

"Isa take a drive with me." I rested my hand on the caramel skin of her thigh. Her skin shivered under my palm. I fought the urge to smirk. She released a sigh  squeezing half of her ponytail in her hand.

"I can't. Quin's sleeping and my father isn't home."

"Saturday?" I wanted to spend some alone time with her. Just us.

"Yeah that could work." She turned her face towards me and  smiled.

That smile. . .my most favorite part of her....well of her face.

"Great." We sat there staring at each other in the cool evening air.

My hand came up to her cheek and lightly brushed it. Her skin was smooth and delicate under my fingertips. I felt her shiver under my caress and smirked victoriously at the fact that I affected her. The mirrors of her kind and delicate soul bore into mine as her plumb,desirable lips slightly parted. I wanted to taste those sweet pink bloosoms and suck the soul quenching nectar out of them . . .but I couldn't yet.

Unexpectedly she leaned closer into me and I was about to throw self restraint through the window when a light in the house flicked on.

"That's Quin. I should go inside now."

We walked back to the front of the house slowly, neither of us wanting to leave the other's company. 

"Goodnight." She was turning to go up the steps when grabbed her arm and pulled her back into a tight hug. I held her slim waist close to me as she hugged me back just as eagerly,  savoring the moment. Our bodies meshed perfectly together and I inhaled deeply the lavender fragrance of her hair. After about 2 minutes I hesitantly let go and she walked into the house and locked the door. I suddenly like a piece of me was missing.

What the hell is happening to me. This shit is so weird. . .but feels so good at the same time.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day! Thank you for your support.  💖💓💘 Love you all!!

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