Part 3// Beach Time.

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"Wake up!!!" I heard someone yell. I opened one of my eyes and saw Colby jumping on my bed. I groaned and threw my face into the pillow. I then felt his arms snake around my waist and he picked met up bridal smile.
"Colby!!! I want to sleep!!" I complained, holing onto the bed post.
"Nope. It's 2pm. I made food" he said. I jumped straight out of his arms and ran down the stairs. I heard him laugh and chase after me. He caught up to me and rugby tackled me to the floor, them sat on me.
"Colby, I'm only small. Get off!!" I complained playfully hitting this arms.
"Nope. Not until you say you woke touch my food" he offered. I sighed and agreed. He laughed and pulled me back up. I got some pancakes and sat down to eat.
"Oh. Elton said to put black on straight away. We will be out pretty much all day. Getting supplies, Amanda, Heath" Colby explained. I nodded and swallowed my last piece of food. He looked at me in astonishment.
"I was hungry!" I defended. He laughed and I ran upstairs. I got in the shower and when I got back into my room, Colby was sat on my bed. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a black tank top, a black SnapBack and some black and white Converse.
"Colby, what are you doing?!" I yelled.
"Waiting for you to get ready" he smiled, laying on my bed.
"Ugh, wait outside" I ordered.
"Nope. Your bed is comfy" he replied. I sighed, grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom. I changed into some new clothes (outfit above) and ran to my desk. I started to do my make-up and saw Colby in the background watching. I sighed and continued. I did foundation, blush, highlight, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and eyebrows then I curled my hair. I stood up, grabbed my black bag and black 'X P L P' hoodie, camera, money, car keys, phone, and portable charger. I threw them all in my bag and looked at Colby.
"Ready?" He asked smiling. I nodded and he towed me out of my room.
We had to meet everyone else at the beach. Colby begged me to let him drive my car so I did. On the way, I put on Frank Ocean and Colby gasped. We looked at each other and started rapping. We got to the beach and the song was only halfway through. We carried on rapping and the others saw us. They came over to us to see what we were doing. Colby didn't know the next part, so I only rapped it. I turned it off and we both got out.
Devyn looked at me and smiled a guilty grin. I ignored it.
"Soooo, were gonna do a quick vid here then head to the mall to meet Kat" Sam explained. I nodded and followed him. We went to this huge bench that was close to the ocean. I went on the furthest side of the ocean, near the edge to run if it came near. Colby sat next to me.
"What's up guys! So we have a new roomie. This is Lilly Creed. She's gonna be joining us for a video today and she will be on Eltons channel tomorrow or something. She also has her own channel so I will leave that in the description below. So today, we are doing a Q and A, but all the questions will be aimed at Lilly, it's so we know more about her. Let's goo!" Sam said to his camera. He set it down so it could see all of us.
"So Lilly. What's your first name?" Corey asked.
"Lilly Jade Creed" I replied.
"What's your date of birth?" Devyn asked.
"31st of October" I answered, "I'm a spooky person".
"What's your 5 biggest fears?" Colby asked.
"Spiders, growing old, dying, being forgotten and....the Ocean" I answered, looking at the sea. Sam looked at me and smiled faintly. He knew because it happened when he was with me.
"Um, why the Ocean?" Aaron asked.
"Sam knows. Bad experience when I was little" I muttered. Everyone looked at Sam, then me and let it go.
"What's your biggest dream from when you were little?" Elton asked.
"When I was little, I always wanted to be a YouTuber and a singer. I acomplished one, but I won't make the other" I told them.
"If you could change 3 things about yourself, what would it be?" Sam asked.
"My height, to be more confident, and my appearance" I murmured.
"Lils!! You don't need to change your appearance!!" Devyn wailed.
"I do Dev" I told her.
"Nope, you don't!" Colby said stubbornly.
"My best friend is always gorg!" Aaron said in a girly voice. I giggle at that.
"What's one thing you've never done because you were afraid?" Corey asked.
"Ahhh. I've never watched a horror movie in my life" I said quickly.
"Well, tomorrow night, we are all watching one!" Colby cheered. I groaned.
"So, I will continue this vlog later. Bye for now guys!" Sam said to his camera and turned it off. I stood up and saw the sea 5 inches from my foot. I shrieked and jumped back.
"Shit, your really scare" Colby said concerningly. I nodded, "Why?" Devyn asked.
"When me and Sam were little, we were hanging around on this beach. We were splashing around in the sea, and a shark came really close to me. Sam got away and called for help. The shark started dragging me in and some man got me out of its grip before anything bad happened. Never been in the sea since" I explained. Colby gave me a hug.
"I still have a lil scar and I did find one of the Sharks teeth in my shoe" I said.
They didn't say anything and we all headed to the mall.

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