Part 11//My Love

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I woke up again and saw it was me, Elton and Colby in the car. We must of dropped Brennen off. I was laid on the back seats. I sat up and rested my chin in Colby's shoulder. "You okay?" Elton asked, not taking his eyes off the dark road.
"Okay isn't the word. But...better" I replied. Colby sighed and rested his head on my head. I saw we were in the drive way. I got out and started to get the stuff out. We all got our things and headed in. "Don't mention anything about the note to anyone yet"I said. They nodded,
"We should let them know" Elton said with a evil smile.
"WERE BACK BITCHES AND MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" All 3 of us yelled. We heard Corey yelling, and all the doors opening. They all started to stampede down the stairs and hugged us.
"We were gone for a week, not a month" Elton joked. We all laughed with them.
"I'm tired" I complained.
"You slept on the plane slept in the car. And you need more sleep?" Colby laughed.
I giggled and nodded. The others helped us take our things up. We dumped out thungs in our rooms, headed to the stairs and said night to everyone. As I started to head to my room, someone grabbed my hand and towed me the other way. I looked around and saw Colby dragging me to his room. We both jumped on his bed and laid there in our clothes. "I'm not getting changed. It's too far" I complained. Colby laughed and grabbed a huge top. He chucked it at me. I changed into it and it covered me. I jumped back on his bed and fell asleep instantly.

---The next day---

I woke up and Colby was already awake. I sighed and started to get up.
"I need to change" I murmured. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bed. "Collbyyyy!!" I complained. He grinned at me and pulled me closer to him. I used all my strength to get up and pull him up as well.
"I need to change" I told him stubbornly. He looked at me and shook his head. His face was inches away from mine. We were just stood in the middle of his room, staring into each others eyes. He then moved one of his hands to the back of my neck, and the other on the small of my back. He pulled my face closer and...
"Lilly!!!" Someone yelled. We pulled away and someone barged through the door. Karen.
"Lilly Creed. Get your ass moving!" She ordered, arms crossed firmly on her chest.
"Why?" I asked, stepping forwards.
"Me, you, Devyn and Kat are all hanging out today. Devyns idea" she replied. I nodded and ran out of the room. Colby sighed behind me. I'm ran to my room and took a quick shower whilst Karen also took one. She ran into my room and I was just getting out of the shower.
"Ugh. Hurry up!!" She groaned and ran back out. I nodded and changed. I did eyebrows, eyeliner, lip liner, and mascara. I brushed my hair and teeth then ran downstairs. Devyn was waiting for me at the front door. When she saw me, she grabbed my hands and pulled me to Karen's car, a pink Audi R8.
"What are we doing?' I asked them when we started driving.
"Shopping" Devyn reloaded grinning.
We spent hours in different malls. I got some cool and cute clothes. So did the others. We then headed home about 4.
When we got home, the boys were playing Rocket League. We all our our things away and headed to the guys. Karen sat on Aarons lap, Devyn started to annoy and distract Corey, and Kat hugged Sam. I flopped on the bean bag that wasn't taken and started scrolling though my feed.
"Ya know. I'm still shocked that Colby and Lilly aren't dating yet" Aaron pointed out. Everyone started to agree. Colby grinned and I groaned.
"I need to....edit" I said, excusing myself. I ran upstairs and started to edit.

A few hours later, I finished. I took off my headphones and realised it was quiet. I opened my door.
"Devyn?? Kat??"
"Aaron?? Karen??"
"Colby?? Elton??"
"Sam?? Corey??"
Guess I'm home alone. I grabbed my phone, put it in my back pocket and headed downstairs for some food. I grabbed some Oreos and started to eat them, when I heard the door close softly. I started to walk to the hallway with my Oreos in my hand and saw Brennen and Elton stood there. Elton holding a camera, Brennen holding cards and rose petals. I looked at them and rose one eyebrow, Brennen smirked at me. I walked curiously towards them. Elton handed me a card and I read it.
You are so beautiful. I smiled and Brennen handed me another.
I'm so glad you got chased by those dogs, because I wouldn't have met you. You always make me smile when you giggle. Your beautiful, funny, talented and amazing.
I giggled and Elton looked at me. "Even thought these are horribly cringey, they are still cute" he smirked. Brennen handed me another.
If you have read this, now open the door and follow the petals. I looked up and smirked. "Open the door then!" Brennen said excitedly. I giggled and opened it.
I followed the petals and it got to the outside of the gate. Everyone else was stood there. Kat and Sam were singing a cover for a thousand years. Then Colby. He was stood on the curb, holding a huge bouquet of red roses, grinning. He walked towards me and handed me the flower.
"Lilly Creed. I'm gonna sound really cringe when I say this, but it's true. You are an amazing, talented, funny, adorable and beautiful girl. When you first came into being ur house, soaking from the pool. I never actually noticed you. But when you laughed, it made you draw attention to me. Will you be my girlfriend? I promise to always make you smile, be happy, have fun, protect you, and I will love you. What do you say?" He asked, with a huge grin on his face, one eyebrow raised.
"Holy mother of god. Yes, yes, yes a million times" I squealed. He smiled even more and he hugged me. Everyone cheered. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back and jumped down.
"Now kids. The next week or so will be all lovey dovey. Beware!" Elton joked. I giggled at his silliness and we all headed inside.

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