just a kiss

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July 1987
Hawkins, Indiana.

"honestly, mike. you're such an idiot."

"what did i do now?!"

"i'm trying to watch the movie and it's kinda difficult when someone keeps staring at you!" she popped some popcorn in her mouth.

"i'm sorry. it's just.. you look really pretty"

trying to hide her smile, el ignored the boy next to him, trying to focus on the movie but at the same time failing completely and instead waiting to see what her boyfriend's next move to get her attention was going to be.

from the corner of her eyes, she saw the freckled boy pouting. she giggled.

that giggle. she's such a cutie.

eleven rolled her eyes with a smile still plastered on her face, and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt, placing a sloppy short kiss onto his lips before focusing back on the movie.

mike wasn't done. he knew her weakness, how to grab her attention. and yes, one of the ways were eggos, but unfortunately he didn't have any of those with him right now.

mike scooped closer to her, then a little closer, until their shoulders touched. a few seconds later, he lowered his head to place it on the crook of her neck, placing a light kiss there.

she didn't even flinch.

mike frowned. he stood there for a second, thinking about his next move.

he leaned his head up the slightest bit, and placed his lips on her jawline, she shivering at the touch. mike's lips turned into a smirk as he continued, trailing a line of kisses down her jaw and back to her neck.



she leaned back, he frowned. she looked at him, chewing on her bottom lip.

this bastard. always trying to get what he wants.

she placed one of her hands around his neck, her face really close to his.

she teasingly brushed her lips against his, mike's hands traveling to her back.

just as he was about to press his lips against hers, she leaned back and threw a bunch of pop corn to his face.

eleven obviously started laughing like crazy as soon as she did, falling on her back to the couch.

mike at first froze, but then chuckled, mostly because her laugh was so contagious.

"okay, great, you want to play, babe?", he grabbed a bunch of popcorn from the bowl, nodding to himself, "let's play".

el's eyes widened, still laughing.

"no! no no! don't you dare mike"

as soon as his name left her mouth he threw the pop corn at her. she laughed even louder, him joining in soon.

they ended up laying on the couch, her on top of him, her back against his chest, their legs tangled up together and his arms tightly around her waist. the pop corn spread all around the floor and couch.

"you're such a mouth breather, michael" she shook her head, looking up at the ceiling.

"yeah, and you're such a weirdo, jane"

el hit his arm. he chuckled.

"hey, i never got that kiss" he said.

el moved her body so her stomach was against his. mike's arms were around her lower back.

she smiled widely at him and he lifted an eyebrow, also smiling.

"well... i guess now that-"

"now that i've been covered in pop corn?" he said.

el giggled. she placed her hand on his cheek, moving closer to him.

"yeah.. i guess now you can.." she whispered before connecting their lips.


okay this wasn't as good as my last one shot but i wanted to update something!! my last shot was unpublished because my dumb ass accidentally deleted half of it so now i have to re-write it. so i guess it'll be up in a couple of days.
anyways, thank you for reading !! xx

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