i need you to stay

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July 1985
Hawkins, Indiana.


eleven abruptly turned her head to her side, her eyes wide once he saw the freckled boy.

"i'm coming with you" he said, his hand softly grasping her arm.

"what? no! no you're not" jane shook her head, raising her voice.

"yes i am. i'm coming with you" he said again, walking past her.

"no!" she shouted, grabbing his wrist, "i need you to stay here, be safe!" she frowned, looking up at him.

he looked down at her with knotted eyebrows, "you're kidding"

she looked at him in confusion, "what?"

"if you think" he started and stepped a step closer to her, "that i'm going to let you go again, you're insane" he chuckled at the last part, his voice turning softer and he brought his hand to her cheek.

"i need you to be here, mike. i need you to be safe" she whispered.

"and i need to be by your side, el. i can't lose you. i can't watch you get into that car and not know anything about you for the next three hours. i can't do it. i can't let you go again" he said, he chewed on his bottom lip, caressing her cheek and waiting for her to respond.

she gulped, "if something happens to you, i wouldn't be able to handle it, i-"

"nothing is going to happen, i promise" he said.

"we don't have all day, kid! come on!" hopper shouted from the truck.

mike looked back at him and then down to eleven. his eyes were pleading for her not to leave him behind.

she grabbed his hand that rested on her cheek and interlocked their fingers.

"let's go, then" she smiled a little.

mike's frown turned into a wide smile, and he leaned forward, pecking her lips. (he would've kissed her longer, but hopper was right there).


i know this was short, sorryyyy ahhh and also sorry for not updating sooner yikes.
anyways, love u all.
ps, i'll update this book sooner since i have fresh ideas for it! i just wanted to get something up that's why it's kinda short and crappy.

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