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July 1985
Hawkins Lab, Hawkins, Indiana.

her eyes widened and her heart stopped. her body felt completely numb when she saw who she thought she'd never see again.

"papa" she whispered, her lips barely moving as tears rolled down her cheeks.

mike and hopper turned around, finding dr.brenner standing behind them. with arms behind his back, he took a step forward.


"stay away from her!" mike shouted, stepping in front of the brunette and placing a protecting arm to her waist.

"i knew i'd find you someday" brenner said, his voice calm, his eyes attached to eleven's.

flashbacks came into her mind of when she was trapped in the lab. her breathing started to get heavier and she shivered.

mike noticed and as hopper stood in front of the two teens, mike turned around to el.

"hey, breathe. el, breath. in and out" he cupped her face with his hands.

connecting her eyes with the ones from the boy she fell in love with, she calmed down, warmth coming back into her body as his hands made contact with her cheeks.

"yeah, like that. breathe" he said softly.

el nodded and he quickly pulled her into his arms, she grasped his shirt with her hand as she quietly sobbed onto his chest. his arms were tightly wrapped around her torso.

"what are you doing here" hopper said with his gun in hand.

"i could ask you the same thing"

hopper chuckled as he brought his hand up to brenner's forehead.

mike tilted his head to the side to watch the scene and his eyes widened when he saw hopper's gun to the man's forehead.

"cover her ears, wheeler" hopper said, his eyes never leaving brenner's.


"cover them!" he shouted.

eleven lifted her head up to see what was going on and her breath hitched. as much as she wanted papa gone, the scene that laid in front of her eyes made her stomach twirl and suddenly she couldn't breathe.

mike quickly grabbed her face with his hands again, dragging her eyes to face him as she gasped for air.

"el! el. look at me. breathe. el!"

but she couldn't breathe. she couldn't concentrate.

"now, kid!" hopper shouted.

mike slid his warm hands deeper into her face and covered her ears, his eyes gazed hers. she still breathed like crazy. mike could hear a click from hoppers gun, he was about to shoot and eleven was still paying attention to what she shouldn't.

mike was running out of ideas to drag her attention away from the scene and calm her down, knowing hopper would shoot any second now he used the last idea he had.

he leaned his head down, catching el's lips with his own. jane seemed startled at first but soon melted into the kiss and placed a hand to the side of his neck, pulling him closer.

tears swallowed up his closed eyes, as so many mixed emotions ran through his veins.

he had just seen the man that had abused his girl for years. it hurt him seeing him, but it hurt him even more the fact that el had to face him. she had just suffered a panic attack and mike's heart could break no more at her reaction to all of this.

hot tears rolled down their cheeks as they kept kissing. her mind now focused on mike, and only mike. it was as if it was only them in the room.

until now, they hadn't given each other kisses longer than three seconds, so this was a whole new feeling for both.

mike heard the shot, and a body falling to the ground. he cringed at the sounds echoing around them.

he slowly pulled away from the kiss, their lips lingered. they both opened their eyes softly and he whipped away her tears with his thumbs, his hands still covered her ears.

this was mike's last idea of calming her down for the fact that he didn't want hopper seeing him kiss her daughter, luckily, hopper was too focused on brenner to even notice.

"done, kid. don't let her see this, go to the car" hopper said, not looking away from the dead body.

"okay" mike said softly.

he uncovered her ears and pulled her to his chest again.

"let's get out of here, alright?" he whispered against her ear. she nodded, sniffling.

mike and el walked through the empty hall slowly, their arms wrapped around each other and never looking back.


i hope you guys enjoyed. love you all.

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