i'm here for you

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December, 1987
Hawkins, Indiana.

"okay, got it" eleven mumbled to herself, her eyebrows knotted together as she swapped from her textbook to her notebook, scribbling there a few notes.

with papers and books scattered around her, el sat on her legs, studying on her bed.

it was a rainy friday night in hawkins, the clock struck 11pm and she sighed frustrated, not understanding what she had just read and she switched to the previous page to re read.

she was alone at the cabin tonight, hopper had a night shift at the police station and he was going to be out until early morning.

a sudden knock on the door made her snap her head up, she furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head.

"who the hell" she mumbled, getting up from the bed and walking out of her room.

the rain drops'  sound became louder as she got closer to the wooden door. she unlocked it and opened it.

her eyes widened at the view in front of her, she tucked a strand of loose hair from her messy bun behind her ear.


he stood a meter or so away from her, his whole body was completely soaked in water. his dark locks were starting to curl and rain drops hit his freckled face.

eleven looked closely, and realized, he was crying. his eyes and nose were red and tears were falling from his eyes. he looked back at her, admiring the brunette from his point of view.

"m-mike? what are you doing here? are you okay? are you-"

she was cut off when mike took a few steps forward and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face on her shoulder.

el stood there, completely confused at the situation, but soon wrapped her thin arms around his back.

"mike" she said again, in the softest tone and she pulled away.

her hands cupped his face.

"what's wrong?" she asked in a whisper with worried eyes.

he couldn't speak.

instead, he started sobbing and he soon went back into her arms.

a few seconds later she pulled him into the cabin, closing the door behind her and he adjusted his grip on her, hugging her tighter and silently sobbing onto her shoulder.

"mike" she shushed him, rubbing her hand up and down his back.

a few minutes later he seemed to have calmed down and he finally pulled back and looked down at her.

"i- i'm sorry" he sighed. his voice was raspy, he rubbed his eyes and dragged the palm of his hands down his face, slowly, as he leaned against the couch behind him.

"mike, what's going on?" she asked, taking a step closer to him.

he looked up at her, giving her a certain look.

"is-", she stepped closer, cupping his face with her hands, "is it about your dad? you fought again?"

mike chewed on his lower lip and looked down, fighting back his tears.

he nodded slowly and el instantly threw her arms around his waist, burying her face onto the crook of his neck and he returned the hug, his arms around her waist and his chin atop of her head. he closed his eyes, a hot tear running down his cheeks.

"i'm so, so sorry, mike" she said against his skin.

he hugged her closer, and kissed her head.

"i-it's okay, el. sorry. i just- i needed you and-"

"hey", she said, pulling back the slightest bit and her eyes met his, "don't ever be sorry for this, alright? i'm here for you. okay? i'm here for you"

mike smiled the slightest bit and she pulled him back into a hug.

"okay" he breathed against her shoulder, gripping her tighter, "okay".

"come on", she whispered, "you need some rest. let's go to bed-"

"but hopper-"

"he'll not be here until early morning. besides, he'd understand" she said.

mike gulped and nodded. he took his jacket and shoes off and they walked into her bedroom.

"uh- wait just- give me a second" she bit her lip when she saw the mess of books and notes on her bed.

mike softly smiled when he saw the bed full of school work. eleven took her studies so seriously. it was only friday night and she was already studying.

she finished taking everything off the bed and she slipped her hand into his, dragging him onto the bed. she laid down and he soon joined. she opened her arms to him and he crawled next to her, resting his head on her chest and his arms around her little waist.

she brought her hand to the sheets and pulled them up so they were covering them both.

eleven sighed and pulled him closer to her. she placed a kiss to his head and he grinned, stroking the side of her stomach with his thumb.

she played with his dark locks that now were starting to dry and going back to their original form.

"i love you" he said.

she grinned, "i love you more"

"remember i'll always be here" she said.

"promise?" he asked.

"promise" she said as soon as the word left his mouth, not doubting for even a second.


wow another update! i'm even surprised! anyways i hope you enjoyed <33


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