i'm going to get you sick

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september 1986
hawkins, indiana.

"oh, it's you wheeler. come in" the chief sighed, taking a step away so the boy could enter.

"how is she feeling?"

"a little better. i'm sorry if i woke you up but—" he sighed in annoyance, "she kept asking for you."

mike gulped, "it's uh- it's fine, sir. don't worry about it- i was awake anyways"

the chief nodded.

"can i.." mike pointed to el's room.

"you know the way" the man sighed for the thousandth time and took heavy steps to the couch.

he was so used to having that wheeler boy around. it was useless planting rules or whatever, the teens were inseparable, almost stuck to the hip. he trusted the boy though, he knew he loved her as much as he did. and the girl was so in love with him too that he just had to get used to it. anyways, he was glad that el had chosen someone like mike and not any other douchebag that would probably end up breaking her heart.

as he sat down on the couch, mike walked up to her room and knocked softly.

"el? it's mike"

a few seconds later el opened the door, his eyes lit up when he saw the small girl with a nest of messy (even messier today) curls on her head, her round nose and cheeks were red. she had tired eyes yet he found her incredibly beautiful, as usual.

"hey" he whispered.

"mike" she breathed, throwing her hands around his neck.

"how are you feeling?" he mumbled against her shoulder.

"more a less" she said, pulling back from the hug.

"did you have some medicine?" he asked.

she nodded, her locks jumping up and down as she moved her head. adorable.

he cupped her jaw and placed his lips to her forehead, testing her temperature.

"yeah you're kinda hot"

he turned around when he heard some snores coming from the couch. hopper.

mike yawned and looked back down at el.

"are you sleepy?" she asked.

"a little" he shrugged.

she grabbed his hand and pulled him in, closing the door softly to not wake up hopper.

"you have those t-shirts that you left last time in my closet" she said, crawling back to her bed.

"oh! yeah, right" he nodded, walking to it. he grabbed the t-shirt and some pants. he didn't even know those were there, though he wasn't surprised, el also had a few of his sweaters in there. it didn't bother him though, she looked cuter in them anyways, and just the thought of her wearing something that was his made his stomach twist with butterflies.

mike pulled out his current sweater and t-shirt through his head and put on the pajamas.

meanwhile he changed, the girl sat on her bed, her arms hugging her knees and looking away to give him the least privacy.

once he was done he turned around, and walked to the bed, he grabbed her hand so she knew he was done and she smiled a bit.

"are you tired?" he asked.

"yeah. i couldn't sleep before. didn't feel safe" she said shyly and his heart started beating faster.

he nodded and laid down on her bed, she quickly reacted, crawling next to him.

"i'm going to get you sick" she warned him.

he placed an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. their noses almost touched.

"i don't care" he shrugged.

she smiled at that.



"thank you for coming. i do feel safe now that you're here" she whispered.

his heart skipped a beat.

"don't even mention it. i'll be here whenever you need me." he moved closer to her, pulling her to his chest, her face in the crook of his neck.

"'night mike"

he smiled.

"'night el"


hope you enjoyed 💗 thanks for all the positive comments !! love u. also, do you want a part two to this? let me know pls !!


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