nightmares and cuddles

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January 1985
Hawkins, Indiana.

eleven gasped for air as she opened her eyes, she frantically looked around. she relaxed a little, soon understanding she was in her room.

she sobbed into her pillow, images of her dream coming back to her mind.

"you have a wound eleven, a terrible wound"

"you think i love you? you must be mad"

"you killed me, eleven. how could you?!" a mike covered in blood said.

she sobbed harder, soon noticing the line of blood coming from her nose to her upper lip.

she shivered, crying onto her pillow, the back of her neck drenched in sweat.

knock knock knock.

eleven opened her eyes, looking back at her window.

"mike?" she mumbled to herself.

she stood up, her bare feet making contact with the freezing floor. she walked up to the window and she saw him clearer. he was there.

she quickly unlocked the window, and he climbed in, almost tripping on the process.

he looked at her, up and down, with his signature heart eyes.

that's when she realized she was only wearing one of his sweaters.

it was big on her, the sleeves covered her hands and the sweater ended almost at her knees.

she blushed, fiddling with the long sleeves, kind of embarrassed. but mike found the sight adorable, and her mess of curls just made her look more cute.

snapping out of his thoughts, he remembered why he was here, and noticed eleven's tear stained cheeks and the blood on her nose.

"el, are you okay?"

"what are you doing here?"

"you called me"

"i-i did?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"y-yeah, whilst i was sleeping. i-i heard you, calling me. you were screaming. i came as quick as i could- i'm sorry if i took a while, i had to take the long way so no one would fo-"

eleven stopped him, wrapping her thin arms around his waist. he froze a second but soon gave in, wrapping his arms around her torso, bringing her closer to him.

"thank you" she mumbled against him.

"f-for what?"

"for being there"

"i'll always be there, el. that's a promise"

they pulled apart, looking at each other. mike pulled his own sleeve up and brought it to her face. softly wiping the blood away.

he then, using his thumbs, wiped the tears away from her cheeks.

"bad dream?" he asked softly.

el nodded shyly.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

el shook her head.

"i'm better now that you are here"

mike softly smiled, nodding.

she slipped her hand into his, their hands fit perfectly together, like if it was always meant to be.

it was.

she dragged him to the bed and she laid down.

"stay? for a little? please?"

how could he say no to that?

he took of his shoes and slipped into the bed, as soon as he made contact with the bed, she snuggled onto his side. he wrapped his arms around her, they were face to face. they subconsciously tangled their legs together.

he kissed her nose, her cheeks turning pink as she smiled.

soon her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed contently. she wasn't alone now.


i hope you enjoyed <3 sorry for any mistakes i wrote this in a rush and don't have time to review. love u all.

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