i want you.

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hawins, indiana
december 1987

"i can't do this anymore" he said, rubbing his temple.

"don't worry about it, okay? we'll fix it" she said, walking up to him.

"no, you don't get it. i can't do this anymore, eleven. since you came into my life, everything has gone downhill! my friends and family are in constant danger. i just- i don't want that for them"

"mike-" her lower lip wobbled, tears started to run down her cheek.

"we're done, jane" he declared, before starting to walk past her and away.

her eyes shot open with a gasp, she blinked away her sleep, her eyes getting used to the darkness of the room she was in. she sighed. it was just a bad dream.

only when she settled she realized the warmth on her back and around her waist. right. mike was sleeping over. she'd almost forgot.

she dragged her body carefully to turn around and face the boy, who's arm tightened around her waist unconsciously when he felt movement.

she placed a hand on his freckled cheek, rubbing her thumb against his skin. he opened his eyes briefly to look at her and grinned a little when he closed them again.

he brought her to his chest and kissed the side of her head. el rested her hand on his stomach. she felt his thumb caress the side of her exposed waist (due to the movement in her sleep, her t-shirt had lifted the slightest bit), his fingers were hot against her skin.

it made her shiver, his lightest touch.

"are you okay?" he mumbled in his sleepy-raspy voice.

"yes, go back to sleep" she whispered.

"are you sure?"

el held a breath for a second and exhaled. she couldn't lie to him. friends don't lie, even less girlfriends or boyfriends.

"bad dream" she sighed.

mike looked down at her. he scooted down and laid on his side, facing her, she mimicked his actions.

"do you want to talk about it?" he reached for her face and tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

she shrugged, her mouth was a straight line and she tucked her head slightly, disconnecting her eyes from his.

mike looked at her worriedly, he placed his hand below her chin and tilted it up.

"el" he said softly.

she looked at him, chewing on her bottom lip.

"has your life changed since i found you?"

he chuckled softly, "of course it has. hugely."

a smile remained on his lips but it faded away when her expression was nothing but sad.

"eleven, what's wrong?" he asked, scooping just a little closer.

"your life is horrible since i came into it, mike" she looked up at him.

his lips parted, and his hand soon was on her cheek.


"all of your family and friends are in constant danger since i'm here. you should- you should hate me" she sat up.

mike sat up too, "what the hell are you talking about, el"

el scooped out of bed and walked up to in front of it.

"i mean, i- i hurt people! i- i've killed! i am the reason why bob, barb and benny died. i'm destroying everyone's life!"

he stood up— "eleven-"

"no! i am! i'm destroying your life! you deserve so much better! you deserve a normal life, with a much more beautiful, and normal girlfriend. not someone— someone like me! i'm— i'm a monster-"

mike walked up to her quickly, cupping her face. she looked up at him with teary eyes.

"i swear, if you say one more word-"

"it's the reality, mike! we have to face it!" she walked backwards, losing their physical contact.

"no, el! the reality is that i love you!" he raised his voice, grabbing both of her hands.

"none of what happened this past years— or what is happening now— is your fault. none of it. not a single death is your fault and you are not a monster, okay?!"

he let her hands go and connected their physical contact once again by placing his hands on the sides of her face. he wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

"yes, my life changed completely when you walked into it. yes, there's been ups and downs, but it's all been so damn worth it. because you changed my life for good. you gave me a reason to keep going. you showed me what falling in love is, which is the best thing i've ever felt, and only for you."

he held back tears whilst he kept wiping hers.

"i don't want a normal life. i don't want a normal girlfriend— i want you. only you. —and you are, in fact, the most beautiful human i've ever laid eyes on, el."

he leaned his forehead against hers.

"you're the best thing that ever happened to me" he whispered.

el was out of words. she let out a sob when she buried her face in the crook of his neck and wrapped her thin arms around his back. he held her tightly, rocking her back and forth.

"i love you so much" she hiccuped between sobs.

"i love you more" he said against her shoulder, closing his eyes, letting silent tears fall down his cheeks.

they leaned back, his hands found her temple again and he leaned to kiss her lips. then his thumb ran against her lower lip before kissing her again, this time deeply. his hand traveled to bury into her hair as he pulled her closer to him.

"i love you" he said once again, leaning his forehead against hers.


OHMYGOD FINALLY. i swear idk what happened with me. i've had unfinished stories in my drafts for the past few weeks and i just couldn't find the motivation to finish them.
i know you guys wanted an update here and in FRAGILE already since you've recently commented about it a lot.
and i'm sorry i couldn't update earlier, but i'm having sm school work. when i finish i'm just so tired and not motivated to write, but i'm trying my best!
hopefully this summer i'll be able to post a lottttt more. bear with me guys, i'm trying!!
anyways, i love you all and thank you so much for all of your beautiful and supportive comments, every time i read one my heart grows. i will try and updated FRAGILE soon.
thank you for reading and i really hope you enjoyed. ❤️

[PS: YES delena is really up there, because i looove them and because i think it matched with the last part of the story... and because... i love them. hehe]

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