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november 1984
hawkins, indiana

nancy wheeler had had her issues; her problems. she had gone through a lot for the past year. she had learnt and understood many things she didn't two years ago.

but that cold, dark night of november she realized she never had really focused on his brother.

yeah, he was kind of moody all the time, and he did stuff she'd never had pictured him doing, she figured it was the age. he was going through puberty.

she'd never thought it was because of her. that strange pale (even paler than him) girl with a buzz cut that he had been hiding in his basement.

it was a real surprise for all of them to see eleven walking through the door that night. but for mike... it was different. nancy was there, she saw his smile, the first true, honest and biggest smile she'd seen in the past year. she saw how his shoulders relaxed, as if he was letting out a breath that he had been holding for all these months.

the way she ran into him and he held her so tight, burying his face deep into her shoulder. how his eyes sparkled and how tears ran down his cheeks whilst he talked to her in the softest tone.

he confessed he didn't give up on her, how he called her for 353 days. and she was there, listening.

god, 353 damn days. he's been waiting for her even though he thought she was gone forever.

how mad and frustrated he got when he discovered she was so close to him yet so far.

and later that night, he refused to go home until he saw her.

"i need to know if she's okay, nancy"

"she's with hopper, mike. she'll be al-"

"no! don't. just- please. i need to see her" he told her, with tears in his eyes. she nodded, pulling him in for a hug, as if saying i'm sorry for not being there for you.

what touched her the most was when eleven came back, she looked so weak and tired but still ran as she could into mike's arms; and they cried, they cried and he whispered 'you did it. you saved us', 'i've missed you so much, el. so so much'

that night they only sprung apart when el went to take a shower. when she came back, mike's eyes widened into the biggest heart eyes, his lips parted. el looked at him shyly.

"still pretty?" she asked.

"not pretty" he shook his head, "beautiful" mike said, touching her brunette curls and rolling one around his finger.

nancy found the scene so adorable she swore she could've melt right there.

she couldn't help but smile. she sure knew mike had a crush on el, it was her brother after all, she knew him. but this was... different. it was crazy even for her, but she was pretty sure that this was so much more than a stupid, puppy-love crush.

that night she realized puberty didn't change her brother.

he was just in love.


i wrote this bcs first, i absolutely love nancy, and secondly, i love these siblings so effing much. am i the only one who needs mike and nance bonding next season?
i hope u enjoyed :)

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