Chapter 1

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Lucy's P.O.V

Today's the day. The day I have been longing yet dreading at the same time. My hand clutched at my school bag as a cold breeze ripped through the air. I looked around, students cheerfully screaming and laughing, some quietly reading, and others calmly talking amongst themselves. It's what I had expected, not all that different from middle school just new people in a new place. I opened my bag and pulled out my schedule and the school map. I had tried to memorize the map the night before but ended up on wattpad instead. Not that I'm at all shocked, my fangirlness can only be contained by few things, and studying a school map definitely isn't one. I looked ahead at the school above me. The entrance had two large doors that were almost completely glass and looked to lead to vast amounts of lockers. The school was made of tan bricks that were cemented together with a reddish color paste. The school was tall and full of windows, but other than that it looked like any other high school. I looked down at my schedule, my first class was FOL, otherwise known as facts of life, the class was to teach me off all the things that math doesn't teach you of the real world. Not that I needed to take it, I simply choose the classes that didn't seem to involve people in my extra-curricular classes. After that was math, then lunch. For the second half of the day, after lunch, I would go to chemistry then reading. Seemed good enough to me, not that I had much say anyways. 
    I slowly, one by one started to take steps toward the school, looking for the locker number at the top of my schedule. Walking into the school I didn't notice the hushed voices as I walked to my locker. After opening my locker I finally noticed the quiet voices, with my math and chemistry books in hand I turned around just in time to see a group of fine looking people walking into the school. A boy with raven hair who seemed to be fighting with another male with pink-ish hair, or salmon, but whats the difference, right? Scolding them was a girl with red hair, next to them chuckling cutely was a girl with bright blue hair, with a man with several steel piercings and black hair. Clinging to the raven-haired boy was a girl with darkish blue hair. Analyzing the hushed voices and the group at the front of the school, I quickly realized that they were the well known, "populars" around here. I sighed and turned back to my locker, finishing putting up my books in my bag. Before I had known, the voices were raised again as I took a small glance at the group walking down the hallway. A slight tinge in my stomach. Longing, possibly? No, I couldn't feel this way. Friends were not a gift I was allowed to be presented with. Slamming my locker shut I walked to my FOL class.

The class was, when I entered, well... rowdy. The group I saw earlier were all here, hurdled with the other classmates, laughing at some joke. I ignored the large group and set my bag down in a chair in the back of the room that seemed to be unhabited by anyone. It was the only chair without supplies thrown across it. My desk was in the second to last row in the back of the class next to the window. Just my luck. I'm glad I have a window seat, it would be easier to practice sketching skies when I get bored here. I opened my school back and set a notebook that had a plain grey cover on it, my sketchbook, and my two pencil bags on my table. One pencil bag was a rough black fabric that held black and red pens, pencils, and some erasers, while my other pencil bag, that was a yellow color was filled with more pencils of different sizes, grey erasers that are commonly mistaken as clay, and some black lineart pens of different sizes, a.k.a my art bag. I set my school bag on the floor and sat on my desk, looking at a nearby wall-clock for the time. Three minutes until class started. I let out a heavy sigh, looking down at my desk and pulling out my sketchbook, opening it to a new page, the white paper seemed to be begging for a picture, perhaps a story. I looked outside for some inspiration, my mind blank. Inspiration didn't come because instead, I ended up eavesdropping on the large group ahead of me.

"Ice freak! I could so win a football match!" Mr. I have pink hair yelled at the boy with raven hair. 'Mr. I have pink hair'? Really, that's the best you've got Lucy? Of course, he's a football player. Who would have guessed? I silently rolled my eyes at new knowledge. 

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