Chapter 8

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It was Sunday, so, we couldn't stay up too late, but I'll take what I can get. The living room was the only thing on the "Second" floor of their house. It was actually an attic and wasn't considered a floor at all, but they had remodeled it so you couldn't really tell it was an attic. We had made popcorn downstairs and I was now cheerfully grabbing the remote, sitting on the couch with my knees to my chest, already in soft pajamas that were flowy. They had a pink striped pattern and were made of sweatshirt material, they were also my favorite pair of pajamas. I turned on the T.V. as Natsu sat on the couch, resting his arm on the armrest. 

"wait, this is going to be in English right...? I don't know Japanese." Natsu looked over at me.

"I guess we'll watch the dubbed version since it's your first time. But just know. ONE DAY. One day we will watch the subtitled version." I told him, clicking on the first dubbed episode.

"The theme song won't be dubbed, just a fair warning," I added just as Attack On Titan started.

When the theme started playing I was singing along to it, In a terribly off-key version of it, but I was still practically screaming it. Natsu was laughing the whole time, saying I was such a dork, but I didn't care. This. Was. My. Shit.

Within five episodes, Natsu was hooked.

"Luce, Luce, Luce, I have to know. WHAT HAPPENS!" Natsu ended up pleading for spoilers as I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest. "Not gonna happen, It'll ruin the whole show!" I exclaimed. 

"Fine then. I'll make you!" Natsu announced, turning to look at me as my eyes widened.

"Wha-?" Before I had time to question Natsu was tickling my stomach and sides, making me squirm in fits of laughter.

"Natsu---- Sta-----aph-!!" I managed to say between laughs

"Tell me!" He insisted as I shook my head and rolled off the couch, only to have dragged Natsu down with me. He fell on top, his hands on either side of my shoulders in a desperate attempt to stop him from falling on me. We both stared at each other for a few moments, my face getting redder as deep in my mind I silently pleaded for him to lean down, and kiss me. As if he had heard my plea, he slowly leaned down, as if asking for permission as my breath hitched and I leaned forward. My eyes slightly closed, our lips met, silently sending sparks throughout my body as Natsu leaned down farther, letting my head rest on the floor again as our lips stayed together, I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer at a quicker speed. The kiss was soft, his lips were soft, the way he moved his hand so it could slightly run down my cheek, everything was soft and innocent. This was my first kiss, and I'm definitely glad it was so. I felt Natsu's lips pull up into a smirk as he pulled away slowly, keeping our faces close so I could feel his warm breath brush across my skin and send shivers down my spine. 

"So the princess has fallen for me, eh?" Natsu's voice suddenly husky asked me, my face reddened and I was sure that I looked like a tomato, so I turned my head, to turn away, a smile played at my lips and it didn't want to leave. I was happy.

"Perhaps. Has the dragon fallen suit?" I asked, keeping my face turned away. Before Natsu answered, using the hand that he had previously used to caress my cheek, he gently touched my chin, turning my head to face him.

"Maybe so" His voice huskily replied before he leaned down again, this time giving me a slight kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked as I nodded, I felt as though steam was leaving my head as I silently thanked Attack on Titan for starting this.

"Now since I answered your question, how about you answer mine-" Natsu paused a moment and looked at me, "Does the princess want to become the dragon's.... forever?" It took me a moment before I realized what he asked me. I didn't hesitate any longer.

"I don't believe the princess would mind." 

Natsu smiled and kissed me yet again, but this time slightly rougher, as if he was claiming me as his own. He pulled away, though, I wish he hadn't, and stood, leaving out a hand for me to grab. I gladly took it as he helped me up.

"Okay, but now we have to rewind the episode," Natsu said as I laughed, jumping onto the couch and rewinding the episode. "Will do," I chuckled.

I didn't remember much about the rest of the night, just that I had fallen asleep on Natsu's shoulder. I heard the click of a camera along with the words, "My ship" from a familiar voice. I knew it wasn't Beatrix's, nor was it Wendy... so who was it? I didn't want to open my eyes, and I was comfortable where I was, resting on Natsu's shoulder with his head resting ontop mine.

"Erza what are you do- HOLY CRAP IT HAPPENED! Send me those." 

"Levy! shhhhh.... Natsu's moving!" I recognized that voice... Erza? and Levy?

"Where is flame head dammit? He's gonna make us laaaaaa---- oh. This explains the screaming." Grey?

"JUVIA SHIPS IT!" Juvia too?

"I knew it. Lucy was an anime watcher. Attack on Titan is on the screen." Jellal?

"That's beside the point Jellal! Look at this! If they aren't dating I swear to god." Gajeel? hah? What's going on? I felt Natsu move from on top of me, the heat from his body left the top of my head as I guess he had moved his head. I followed suit and raised my head, rubbing my eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"Lu. It's Monday. You know what Monday means?" Levy asked me

"Erm...-" I took me a moment before I shot off the couch, "- What time is it?!" I shouted, looking for my phone which I remembered to be in my room.

"30 minutes until school starts. Considering how long it takes to walk there from here, I'd say you have five minutes to get ready" Erza stated, sending me in Natsu in a panic, rushing down the stairs, down the hall, and into our rooms, each of us slamming our doors while we change. We fought over the toothpaste in the bathroom for awhile then separated again, going into our rooms to get our bags, before once again, rushing into the kitchen, grabbing an apple I rushed to the door with a bite in my mouth as I put on my shoes. As Natsu put on his shoes he stole my apple and took a bite, me staring in shock as he did so.

"Natsu. I don't know if you've been taught this. But- NEVER- and I mean - NEVER- steal a girls food. You will pay for that!" I declared as I stood, for once towering over Natsu. When he stood that changed though, as his looked down at me with a smirk.

"Whatcha gonna do, Luce?" He playfully teased swinging the apple above his head as I jumped up in a desperate attempt to get my food back.

"Natsu I swear to god I will murder you!" I shouted as I gave the last attempt to get the apple.

"Guys stop flirting and let's go!" Juvia shouted as she burst past us and down to the elevator, all of us following.

In the elevator, Natsu started arguing with Grey, giving me the perfect chance to steal the apple, and so, just as the elevator dinged saying we were on the first floor I stole the apple and ran, taking a bite as I rushed down the sidewalk in the direction of the school. It wasn't until after Natsu grabbed me and seized the apple back that I had realized that I was trying to run away from a football quarterback. He laughed with a victory cheer as he ate the last of the apple.

"Revenge is a bitch Natsu." I scolded with a glare.

"Lucy, why are you angry over an apple?" Erza asked.

"It's like someone stealing cake from you, Erza" I explained

"Oh hell no. Natsu you're dead." Erza growled at the thought

"Juvia doesn't understand"

"Neither do I, Lu." Both of them had shaken their heads looking at a growling Erza trying to be calmed by Jellal.

"Levy it's like someone ripping one of your books and Juvia.... Juvia it's like someone kissing Grey." I explained to the two, as they both glared at Natsu with the thought.

"See Natsu. Revenge. It will be a hardcore bitch!" I said, pointing at the three females behind me as Natsu shook his head in disbelief. The best part. I already had the best idea for my revenge plan, it was good that I knew where his locker was.

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