Chapter 6

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Time had passed quickly, and in the flash of an eye, I found myself wearing jeans and a simple blue and white shirt along with a flannel tied around my waist and some tennis shoes. I was waiting for Natsu to pick me up. Words I never thought I'd ever hear myself say. Was it truly a good idea to get involved with people, and make friends? Could I consider Natsu a friend? Questions started to jumble about in my head as I ran a brush through my hair that sat in a side pony-tail. Why did I feel nervous about seeing Natsu? What could Natsu have possibly done to make my heart race as I think of him knocking on my door?  I wasn't able to ask myself another question as a loud rapping noise at my door was heard. I grabbed my phone and practically ran to the door, turning off the house lights as I passed the switches connected to the walls.

I opened the door slowly, revealing Natsu with a big smile on his face, wearing his football uniform. He had the number 01 sewn into the shirt in an ombre of red and orange. The rest of the shirt was white. His skin-tight leggings that had padding ever so often in them were white as well, his shoes a fiery red color. He honestly looked... Beautiful? What was I saying? 

"Ready to go... My princess?" Natsu teased with a slight smile. He seemed excited. It was the first football game of the season, I guess its to be expected. 

"Mhm. Lets go..." I looked down, walking out of the house, locking the door behind me. 

"My mom and sister are going to take us... Just a warning... My mom is... Different." He lightly chuckled. 

"Eh. Nothing can bother invincible Lucy here!" I chuckled, feeling quite happy and wanting to cherish the moment.

"BOO!" Natsu screamed in my ear as I yelped.

"NATSU! What the actual fuck!?" I yelled.

"Did that bother you, scaredy cat?" Natsu laughed lightly.

"Jerk." I pouted as we entered the elevator.

"Uh-huh. Don't go calling me names Luce, I might just have to scare you more." Natsu threatened playfully as I shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered. Natsu looked over at me, his eyes analyzing my face.

"The bruise is almost gone..." He muttered to himself, having a slightly guilty face.

"Yep. Told you I was fine," I answered, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. After all, a measly bruise was nothing compared to my father's rage.

Natsu let out a sigh as the elevator made it to the parking lot. Across the elevator, in the street was a blue car, inside was a lady who had pink hair, in the seat behind her was a young girl with long blue hair.

"Heya, mom! This is Lucy!" Natsu introduced me as we walked over.

Natsu sat in the passenger seat as I sat in the back next to the girl who looked at me happily.

"Natsu. Is this another girlfriend?" The young girl asked as Natsu turned around quickly.

"No, Wendy." He replied.

His mind chuckled.

"Careful Lucy. My son, though I don't like to admit it, isn't known for staying with the same girl for more than a few days." His mom sighed.

"Mom..." Natsu groaned as I laughed, an unrecognizable feeling started buzzing from the bottom of my stomach.

"So I've heard," I chuckled.

"You're pretty Lucy," Wendy said after tapping my shoulder. I looked at her shocked. I haven't truly been given a compliment since my mother died, hearing this young girl, Wendy say that warmed my heart slightly. Natsu, looking through the rearview mirror looked confused at my reaction.

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