Chapter 2

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Natsu's P.O.V

We tried to gain her attention as she rushed down the hall but to no avail. I turned to Levy, remembering that she had talked to lunny- Lucy. 

"Who's she?" I asked

"The new girl, Lucy. She came from the town Hargeon apparently." Levy said as we started walking down the hall.

"Why? Looking for another girlfriend Natsu?" Gajeel asked shaking his head.

"After what happened with Lisanna? No way." I shuddered at the thought.

"Good. She seems nice." Erza added.

"Grey doesn't like her right?" Juvia asked.

"No, Juvia, I don't like her that way." Grey sighed as I chuckled. 

"What lunches do you all have?" I asked, knowing there's three different lunches, one in the beginning of class, one in the middle, and one at the end. Considered Ist, 2nd, and 3rd lunches.

"3rd" Everyone said at the same time. I smiled, "Me too, should we meet up at the roof and eat there?" I asked. We have never liked the lunchroom, everyone tries to talk to us while we are eating there. Not that we don't mind, our classmates are extremely nice it's just, we like our own time, ya know?

"Yeah. See ya there." We all agreed as we parted ways. I walked upstairs, to my math class. I saw Lucy walk into a classroom and rushed over, for some reason hoping I had the same class. But I didn't. My class was next door. I let out a groan. One class over, just one class and I would have been in the same room! But why do I care so much? She's just another girl. I shook my head and walked into my class, getting ready for the lecture the math teacher was sure to give.

Lucy's P.O.V

I was glad to see that nobody I had met this morning had this class. I looked to see what lunch I had. 3rd. I hated lunchrooms and knew that I would either eat outside or on the roof, it depended on my mood when lunch started. I watched as the math teacher entered, and before the bell had even rung he had begun his lecture on what our first unit would contain and that for the first week we would go over what we learned in 8th grade. The class was extremely boring but I wasn't expecting much less. It was MATH class after all. The class went by slowly, and I was extremely relieved to hear that we were dismissed for lunch. I slowly dug around my bag for my lunch.  I had decided to eat lunch in the garden today-

"Hey...Jamie...uhm... do-do you want to eat lunch in the garden..?


-scratch that. Roof it is. I finally found my lunch which was contained in a brown sac bag and walked out of the classroom. The hallways were quiet and almost peaceful, I quite like it. I made my way up the stairs until finally reaching the top to the roof. I let out a sigh of relief as I turned the handle and pushed the door open. A gust of wind slightly pushing me back as my eyes squinted at the sunlight. Once I recovered I walked on the roof and closed the door. The roof was fairly empty, concrete floor with high fencing surrounding the outline of the roof. Several machines were scattered across the roof but other than that the place was close to isolating. Except for the group of kids that I recognized oh so easily. I almost dropped my lunch. 

"Oh- were uhm, you eating here? I'll just leave-"  was interrupted as Natsu had rushed over to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the sitting group and forcing me to sit with them. They had made room for me as my lunch was set in front of me.

"Uhm-  appreciate this but-" I tried to deny their request without saying that I didn't want to eat with them, but when I stood Natsu and the boy with piercings pulled me back down.

"It's fine Lucy! Eat with us!" Levy smiled as I sighed. I should've gone to the garden.

"Okay..." I murmured, now wishing I had brought my sketchbook. 

"I'm Gajeel. I haven't introduced my self it seems. I'm also known as Levy's boyfriend." My eyebrows raised. Wow. 

"Nice to meet you.." I replied.

"And I'm Juvia! Grey is my boyfriend!" Juvia cheered and hugged Grey passively as Grey shook his head and chuckled." I nodded in response.

"Speaking of boyfriends, Erza where's Jellal?" Natsu asked. There's more! Great.

"He sadly has second lunch" Erza pouted. 

Everyone continued conversing as I simply looked down and munched on my lunch, leftover stir-fry from last night.

"Lucy that looks good! Did you make that just for lunch today?" Levy asked

"Oh, no, when I cooked dinner last night I didn't realize that the recipe called for two people and not one, so this is just leftovers."  mentally popped my mouth after saying this. Levy reminded me too much of my mom with her cheerfulness.

"Didn't your dad eat dinner? Where was he?" Levy asked. God, I hate questions.

"Oh, uhm- he-he uh was at our old mansi- house cleaning up the rest of our stuff out" I lied.

"Oh, makes sense.." Levy added as I chuckled nervously.

Natsu looked over at me suspiciously, I knew that Erza had that same look but I ignored both as I finished my lunch and I started to clean my lunch up. When I went to stand Natsu joined me.

"What's your next class?" He asked.

"Chemistry" I replied bluntly before walking back to math class to gather my supplies. I let out a deep sigh and grabbed my bag, waiting at the class door for the bell to ring.

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