Chapter 10

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I looked over at Natsu, seeing if he had anything to say about the Christmas conversation. 

"Luce and I are probably gonna go visit my Aunt," Natsu said, setting his phone in his pocket.

What would I get everyone? I knew Levy would want a gift card to Barnes and nobles. Juvia would want a new camera lens since she's into photography. Erza, I'm sure would appreciate a cake cookbook, since she loves to cook and loves cake. Jellal would enjoy a World Of Warcraft gift card, Gajeel said he wanted ear piercings, Grey wants a book full of pictures of ice sculptures. Natsu though, that was a hard decision. I know what he would like, but the present had to be perfect. Something he wouldn't be able to forget.  I was so lost in thought that when we suddenly arrived at Burger King I hadn't realized it until I ran into the glass frame doors. I turned around and smiled sheepishly.

"Whoops?" I squeaked as Natsu burst out laughing.

During our dinner, I got everyone's number and was invited to a group chat that everyone was in. We laughed in between bites as we talked over idiotic things. But it was over as soon as it started it had felt. We had finished and were walking home, parting ways at the familiar stop light. 

"I slapped you here," I suddenly said, hoping to start a conversation. Natsu laughed and turned to look at me.

"You also said that I didn't have a good looking face," Natsu stated with a devilish tint to his voice. And suddenly I regret this choice of conversation starters.

"Bet ya don't think that now huh?" Natsu asked as he followed me into the apartment complex. Once in the elevator, I attempted to hide my face by looking away, the blush creeping onto my cheeks too embarrassing to share. My weak attempt made Natsu laugh as we walked into the house, entering my room for whatever reason.

"Still haven't answered huh?" Natsu smiled with pride.

"Your face isn't bad," I mumbled Natsu turning his head and walking over to me, causing me to back up and fall against a wall. These damn walls out to get me. My heart sped up as Natsu leaned closer and my breath hitched.

"And now? Is it simply 'not bad' ?" Natsu asked, knowing that my face was as red as a tomato. 

"It's pretty fine..." I slowly added, still holding onto part of my pride, I had a feeling it wouldn't last though when Natsu lowered himself, getting closer.

"Oh? That's all?" He asked before pressing his lips against mine, lightly gliding a tongue across my bottom lip. Asking for permission? Teasing? Whatever it was, it made my knees weak as my mouth parted open long enough for Natsu to slide his tongue in, exploring every inch of my mouth before pulling away, with yet another one of his smirks.

"And now?" He asked

"Okay okay, you're hot," I admitted causing a smug smile to appear on Natsu's face.

"You just can't resist alllllllll this" Natsu playfully sung, letting his hands travel down to his hips, creating a laugh to erupt from my stomach.

"You're an idiot," I said once I had calmed down.

"Your idiot," He added with a smile as I nodded.

"And this idiot of yours needs to shower. No peeking, mkay!" Natsu exclaimed walking into the bathroom and locking the bathroom door on my side.

"As if I would!" I shouted as a reply, hearing Beatrix's laughter from down the hall. I slowly shook my head before I had the sudden Idea for Natsu's present. I grabbed my Wacom tablet and started to get to work, excited for the finish.

Before I had even time to realize it, it was Saturday, my alarm was blaring as Natsu and I were sleeping on the couch again, Natsu being determined to finish Attack on Titan but not wanting to watch it without me, saying that it was our 'Movie Tradition'. I was glad he wanted to watch it only with me though. A possessive side of me enjoyed that, knowing we had our own little tradition.  I turned off the alarm with a groan, wishing that I had remembered to turn it off last night. Wait, actually didn't I turn it off? It was 7 in the morning and I had finally remembered that the alarm was still on and turned it off, before going back to Natsu to continue Attack on Titan. Then what time was it? I sit up again, against Natsu's wishes, he groaned when I sat up. I looked at the time then did a double take, turning around and beginning to shake Natsu.

"NATSU WAKE UP IT'S 6 YOUR GAME STARTS IN TWO HOURS!" I shouted once I gave up on shaking him. Natsu shot up and bonked his forehead onto mine, leaving me to whine in pain while holding my forehead.

"Before it 'STARTS', or before the team is required to be there?" Natsu frantically asked, standing up from the couch.

"Before it start, starts," I reply, not wasting a moment in rushing to my room to get changed in a plain red shirt and some ripped skinny jeans. I brushed my teeth then rushed into the kitchen, checking the time again then shouting to Natsu,

"The bus will be here in 15!"

Since Natsu's mom was out of town we had to ask the school sports bus to pick us up along with the rest of the team, but nobody minded.

Grabbing a package of pop tarts, opening and taking a bite out of one, I hand the other one to Natsu while we rush to put our shoes on.

"Please tell me this won't become a habit," I pleaded, tying my tennis shoes.

"I would if I could Luce," Natsu said before standing up and holding the door for me.

"Ready for your second ever football game?" Natsu smiled as we walked out of the appartment complex together.

"Yeah, I'm ready to see you kick ass," I chuckled.

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