Chapter 4

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Lucy's P.O.V.

He froze.

"Lucy...? What happened?" He asked worriedly. He slowly moved the hand from the wall and crouched down to my height. Once hand keeping my hand up, and the other moved to keep the hair off my left eye as he examined my face. 

I forced a smile, though it hurt my eye. For some reason, I didn't want to see this guilty face of his... I feel a tinge of... guilt? "Oh, it's nothing! I tripped back at home and my eye had a makeout session with the T.V stand!" I chuckled, slightly straining.

Natsu didn't seem to fall for my lie, his eyes lowered into a slight glare, but softer. "Oh, and these nail marks?" He asked. I pushed his hands off me, my heart speeding up. "I-it was the design of the T.V. stand" I stammered. He's been too close for too long... 

"Lucy, you know I don't believe that. Let me rephrase my question. WHO did this to you..?" He didn't back away, even though I really wanted him too. My heart was beating quickly, I thought I might have a heart attack. I looked away but to no avail. He simply placed his hand under my chin again and turned my face. I was crying. Why was I crying? There was no need to cry. Was it because of the guilt I was feeling? Maybe because my eye hurts? Because my heart was beating so fast...? Or perhaps... The memories that are begging to re-enter my mind...?


"Dad...? Where's mom?" I cried looking at the stone in front of me with my moms' name. 

"She went to a better place." My dad's stoic face replied. Was home with me not a good place? Was I not good enough? Did I not make mommy happy? Did I disappoint her? 

Later that night dad got home with a strange sent with him. He had a glass bottle and threw it at me. 

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" He screamed as he walked to me. His figure was towering over me, and I couldn't see his face... only a shadow I didn't recognize yet. 

__End of Flashback__

Natsu looked at me with that same worried face. 

"I-I'm fine..." I tried to smile again as I wiped my tears. I looked up with that same smile and went to walk away, back to the bathroom if possible. Natsu's hand slammed into the locker next to me, and his other one followed suit on the other side, locking me in place.

"How could you lie so easily?" He asks, looking at me, rage filled his eyes, but I knew the rage wasn't at me... But who?

"L-lie?" I stammered.

"You're not fine! You don't just cry then say you're fine! Don't lie like that!? You know the worst part? That was almost believable! How could you lie so easily about something that wasn't true?" He vented, looking at me, looking for something, I didn't know what.

"B-because..." How do I respond? I responded with the first thing I thought of, not thinking about what I was saying, "Because I'm used to this. Give me a couple minutes I'll be fine. Natsu really, I'm okay... I just need a minute." It was the truth... halfly.

"Tch. That's worse." Natsu paused, " Was it a girl with White hair?" He looked into my eyes as they widened, how'd he know? He looked down and backed away.

"Figures Lisanna would do this." He muttered. He knows her? He looked back at me.

"I'm going to come and check on you later, I promise. Class is about to end." He mutters before storming off as I look at him confused. What just happened...? Did I just cry in front of Natsu? Did he look worried about me? Someone worried about me? What a hopeless thought. No, it was probably something else.  I walked back to the classroom, when I entered nobody seemed to notice I left. Ah. Right. This is how my life usually is. Getting my hopes up that someone was worried. What a joke. I walked to my desk and pulled out my lunch just as the teacher dismissed us. For some reason, my feet dragged me to the roof. When I opened the roof door the same rowdy bunch as yesterday were waiting. Part of me wanted to smile. I looked down in an attempt to cover my eye as I walked over and sat down.

"Hey Lucy, have you seen Natsu?" Gajeel asked me.

"Natsu? He isn't here?" I looked up slightly to notice his absence. "Oh- uhm." Before I could reply Natsu burst through the door and sat next to me and Gajeel with an angry huff.

"Yo, flame head. Why so late?" Grey asked.

"Dealing with Lisanna," Natsu said as if he was disgusted with the girls' name. Lisanna...? The white-haired girl?! I looked up at Natsu.

"Wha- why?" Natsu wasn't able to answer because everyone was busy worrying about my eye.

"What happened?!" Was the main question that was asked in many different ways.

I put on my smile and let out a chuckle as Natsu looked at me,  "I tripped and hit my eye!"

I think they would have believed me if Natsu hadn't stepped in. "Lissana punched her." He sighed and looked at me as I looked down. I could feel everyone looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell the truth, Lucy?" Levy asked with a worried expression. I hate that expression. 

"Because it's no big deal." I smiled, putting my untouched lunch back in my bag. "You know, I'm actually full. I'll see you later!" I stood up and went to leave.

"Lucy?" Levy asked as I turned around, I kept my strained smile on my face, "Yeah?"

"Will you please come to the study session?" She asked.

"I uh can't-" I started before Natsu interrupted. "She'll go." I looked at him and sighed. "I'll go," I said. I just wanted to leave. Let me leave. I internally pleaded before turning back around and leaving the roof. I let out a relieved sigh and grabbed my stuff from my classroom and took it to the garden. I have a free period next class, it's not like it'll matter anyway. I put my head into my hands and groaned. Why is life so complicated?

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