Chapter 15

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When I woke up, Natsu was gone, and there was yelling coming from the living room. I already had a good idea what the yelling was from.

"TODAY?!" I heard Natsu's yell. With shaking legs, I walked out of the room quietly and peeked my head into the living room. 

"Natsu. You need to forgive your brother sooner or later," This time it was Kennedy talking.

"He left us. Right when dad was sick, and Wendy was born! He left us! He left mom. He left Wendy. He left dad. He left ME!" Natsu's outraged yell had echoed throughout the halls.

"Natsu, I know it was hard for you but you really need to forgive your brother. He's come back. That's what matters right?" Beatrix stepped in.

"No mom. He can't just waltz in here and pretend like everything is fine!" Natsu screamed, his eyes were teary. I walked into the room. I was slightly scared, this was a private conversation. But it was better than simply spying. And Natsu was crying, that made me worry more than anything. Natsu's childhood pain was about to come walking in on his Christmas, and I wanted more than anyone for Natsu to hopefully forgive his brother, or possibly be happy during our break. 

Everyone's eyes were now on me. "I feel like... Though it isn't my place to be here... that Natsu has the right to be angry... but that Zeref also has the right to try and make things better here. But, Natsu does deserve an explanation from Zeref. At least, that's what it sounds like." I spoke, looking away, scared of the reactions.

"You're right... Natsu does deserve an explanation." A new voice spoke up as I looked at the voice. He had black hair, and his nose looked similar to Natsu's. It was Zeref.

"Zeref..." Natsu's voice growled.

"You deserve every explanation I have. Natsu, I'm sorry. I really am. I left when you needed me. I didn't know that dad was sick... I'm sorry Natsu. I know that just saying it doesn't mean much, but I really did have a reason-" Zeref had started.

"Cut the I'm sorry bullshit! Why were you gone?! When we needed you most?!" Natsu's voice was ragged.

"Natsu, I was 16 and in the military. Where did you think I went? It wasn't my choice! They had forced me out into the war! I tried everything I could to stay! I really did! But the commander wouldn't have it! I was out in a battle for these past years Natsu, and I'm really sorry!" Zeref had screamed

"A letter? Have you ever heard of that?! You could've sent a letter! You big dumbass!!" Natsu yelled back, the two rushing towards each other. I had expected two fists to be thrown, but instead their arms wrapped around each other in a hug. 

I really don't understand this family. Like- at all. 

"You dumbass..." Natsu muttered as Zeref laughed. Beatrix facepalmed. Kennedy looked over at me and shrugged. The two boys pulled away and laughed.

"Now that you two are done... I'm going out shopping." Beatrix muttered, moving her hands to her temples as she rubbed. "So troublesome..." 

Kennedy laughed, "WAIT FOR WENDY AND I BEATRIX!" And before I knew it, I was stuck in the house with the two brothers.

"Oh, by the way, who's this?" Zeref asked as he pointed to me. I took a sip of my water, slightly glaring at the cup.

"My girlfriend." Natsu bluntly stated as I just continued drinking my water. I need to get used to this shit. 

"Pft! Ha- Hot head finally got a girlfriend!" Zeref laughed, leaning over the kitchen counter where we were all currently standing. I had the last of the water in my mouth.

"Just be sure to clean the sheets when you two are done, Kennedy doesn't want to clean that shit." Zeref snickered.

Oh- remember the water that was in my mouth? Oh, yeah, now it currently is splattered all over the kitchen counters. Natsu snorted.

"I'm not that perverted, Zeref." Natsu shook his head as it was now my turn to snort.

"Uh-huh. Pervert." I shook my head, starting to clean the water. 

"You do want to live, right?" Natsu asked as I turned around with a 'huh'. I saw Natsu raise his hands and start to wiggle his fingers as I screamed and ran behind the couch, Natsu chasing me. We started running in circles around the couch, Zeref laughing in the background.

The wait until Christmas went by too fast. I loved being with Natsu's family. His family was the family that I wished I had when I was younger. There was so much going on, so much action, so much laughter, it was hard for me not to smile around the group. I felt like I belonged somewhere. Right by Natsu's side. I never wanted to leave the group. So when Christmas day finally came, I was sad. I didn't want to leave the following day. I was happy with this group. So, after the night had finally came to a close, and everyone was asleep except for me and Natsu, I finally grabbed my gift for him, along with his had, and pulled him into the elevator with me, the two of us going to the roof. 

"Do I finally get to open my gift?" Natsu asked happily as I nodded, sitting down under the star-lit sky. 

I handed the brown tube to Natsu. Inside was a plastic paper, and Natsu quickly pulled it out.

The paper was a digital drawing I made, it was of the night Natsu asked me out, except the picture was a bit different. It was a night sky, stars surrounding the blue color. Then, in the middle of the sky was a couch, the back of the couch to be more exact. On the couch was Natsu and I, snuggled up next to each other in a grey blanket. In front of us was a T.V. playing the 5th episode of Attack On Titan. 

"Lucy... This is wonderful... It's beautiful..." Natsu looked awe-struck at the picture as I smiled, happy that he liked it. 

"I'm glad you like it!" My smile widened.

"No, Lucy. I love it! It's a beautiful picture of the happiest day of my life. And it was made by you." Natsu turned to look at me. A smile was on his face, his teeth showing, and a slight blush was covering his cheeks. I looked up, it had started to snow. 

"Lucy, I don't know how many times I've told you this. But I love you. And I want you to promise me that you'll never leave my side." Natsu's eye twinkled in the moonlight, tiny snow flecks starting to cover his hair.

"I promise," I whispered, just enough for Natsu to hear, as he softly pushed me to the ground, leaning over me, coming closer. Our lips soon met, the heat radiating off his skin warming me from the snow as we stayed connected. I smiled into the kiss, as did Natsu.

"You promise?" He asks as we pull away.

"I promise," I reassure him before our lips met again.

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