Chapter 13

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I woke up with a warm arm wrapped around me, dried tears stuck to my face. When I went to sit up, the large arm only brought me closer. My head lay on Natsu's chest as my legs were intertwined with his, my face heated at the sight. I let out a deep sigh as I let my eyes close again, resting against Natsu, not wanting to wake his sleeping figure.

The next week had all gone by in a blur, going to football practices, helping the council, me and Natsu finally finishing the newest episode of Attack on Titan. But most importantly, I had given away all the Christmas gifts I had gotten for everyone, excluding Natsu. Natsu whined and complained, wanting the present immediately but I refused, stating that since we would be traveling over Christmas break that I would be giving it to him for Christmas on Christmas day. It took awhile for Natsu to finally shut up about the topic. Also, apparently I had officially become one of Gray's 'best friends'. So he now felt like it was okay to strip himself of his shirt when I was around. The new discovery was definitely a shocker when he first did it. But currently, I was in my room, packing a bag for the week-long trip I would be going on with Natsu and his family. The school gave us a week's worth of Christmas break, and apparently, Natsu's family made it tradition to go to Vagas to visit Natsu's aunt, whom apparently was an actor. Natsu didn't tell me her name yet, saying he wanted it to be a surprise when I met her, which made me all the more curious.  

I sat in the middle of my room, all my feminine necessities along with the conditioner, shampoo, body wash, toothbrush, hairbrush, etc, were already packed, along with underwear and bras. All that was left was the outfits. I groaned as I put in three pairs of pajamas, not knowing what outfits I should pack.

Beatrix walked into my room, looking at the mess of clothes separated into piles dependent on the clothing item. She simply laughed and leaned against the doorway.

"Having trouble?" She asked as I turned to face her.

"Yeah..." I nodded, looking back at the piles of clothes. I would be meeting Natsu's aunt! And his brother! This would be a big thing for me! I needed to pull a good impression while still being myself, I wanted to look acceptable. 

"I'll get Natsu to come help you," She laughed walking off before turning quickly and saying, "I'm glad he's dating you," My face flushed as I turned my attention back to my clothes. As I recall Natsu had finished packing three hours ago when we were first told to start packing. Natsu had asked why we needed to pack now, and all Beatrix did was look at me and snicker. This was probably why.

It was now Natsu's turn to lean against the doorway, his eyebrows raised at the mess I've created. "What's the big deal, Luce? Just pack whatever you like." Natsu stated, carefully walking into my room, avoiding the mass of clothing piles. 

"But it is a big deal-" I whined, pulling my head back as I fell to the ground with a dramatic sigh. "-I'll be meeting your family, Natsu! I have to look acceptable!" I explained with an exasperated sigh. Natsu merely laughed at my complaints.

"Just dress like yourself, Luce! It's really not that big a deal!" Natsu shook his head and came to sit next to me, looking at the clothes that surrounded me.

"How about this. You create outfits with all these clothes and set them out, then Wendy and I will vote for the ones we think you should take, okay?" He suggested as I shot up, nodding my head while starting to piece together clothes. Natsu stood and went to get Wendy, who happily skipped into the room, the two of them waiting while I finished piecing clothes together. Once I finished, the two of them got to work as I put the clothes that they favored into my bag. After around an hour, we finally finished, Wendy trotting back to her room as Natsu slumped onto my bed.

"I can't believe it took you four hours to pack a bag... Just because you were worried about what my family would think," He laughed, looking up at my ceiling as I huffed.

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