Chapter 3

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Lucy's P.O.V

The rest of the day went peacefully. But when last bell rung I wish it hadn't. I didn't want to go home. Though I was glad to leave the people, at the same time I didn't want to go home where nobody was waiting for me, where nobody would ask how my day went, or if I made any new friends. I pushed the thought aside and started walking home. No way was I going to ride the bus, filled with rowdy teens and the smell of sweat and deodorant. I'd rather walk the mile it takes to get to my apartment. I start walking, pulling out my phone and listening to music, humming along to the tune as I walk. But of course, all good things come to an end. I soon heard a bunch of rowdy kids behind me, bickering and cheering together. I continued walking turning up my music before eventually, someone tapped my shoulder, I wasn't expecting it so I screamed and jumped away, slapping the person before realizing who it was. I looked at the shocked group of teens behind me. Natsu was behind me, his face slightly reddened from my hand as he looked at me surprised. I pressed my hand up against my chest after pulling out my headphones, feeling the rapid beating of my heart.

"That scared me you idiot!" I shouted 

"That hurt, Dumby!" Natsu yelled back

"I'm not a dumby!"

"And I'm not an idiot!"

"Says the guy who forgets the middle button on his uniform!"

"Sh-shut up!" Natsu hurried and redid his buttons, "Says the girl who slapped someone!"

"You scared me!"

"You're too easily scared!"

"How is that my fault?!" 

We continued to argue until Erza pulled me away from almost slapping him again.

"And to think that I could have a peaceful walk home!" I groaned as Erza let me go.

"My poor face.." Natsu whined as I scoffed,

"Nobody is missing anything. There wasn't much to miss anyways." I glared at Natsu.

Next thing I heard was uncontrollable laughter from Grey, and grumbling from Natsu.

"You're gonna regret that, princess," Natsu said, somehow those few words made my heart race as a blush spread across my face. 

"Y-Yeah yeah..." I muttered waving my hand as if I didn't believe him, before rushing down the street, my hand clutched across my heart. What was that?  I burst into my apartment and closed my door behind me. The apartment was dark but I didn't care, I wanted to know why it was beating so fast. I slid down the door and attempted to slow my ragged breath. Soon enough, I was standing, headed to the kitchen to make dinner.

The dinner was simple, sloppy joes with a side of fries. I ate quickly, not liking the uncomfortable feeling at the empty dinner table. I trudged to my room. Homework... or fanfiction..? PFT. What question is that? Fanfiction! Next thing I knew it was 2 in the morning and I was jumping into bed. 

"AH! Why do I do this to myself!?" I screamed into my pillow as I attempted to fall asleep. Soon enough everything went black and before I knew it I was waking up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I sighed and got out of bed, preparing for the day.

I walked into the school. First class; English, second; History; 3rd lunch; third; free class 4th; Physical Ed.

I sighed. What would I do during my free class? Draw? Eh, I'll worry later. I started to walk towards my English class when I entered I spotted Levy.

"Hey, girl! Come sit next to me!" She said cheerfully as I looked at her.

"I-uhm... Okay" I muttered, walking over and sitting next to her.

"I'm glad I have one class with you without that rowdy bunch! Hey, this weekend we are having a study session at Love and Lucky, wanna go?" The mention of Love and Lucky made my eyes widen. "Lucy?" Levy looked at me concerned.

"Oh, uhm... I'll look at my schedule." I replied.

"Great! Well, I should tell you the details just in case, right? Natsu, Gajeel, and Grey have their first football game of the season first, so we'll stay and watch then go eat dinner with them and their team, so you'll meet Jellal, he's a senior here, then we'll go have our study session!" Levy explained as I nodded in understanding. I'm getting too close to the people here...but for some reason, I don't feel like I can pull away. I feel like someone actually cares about me for once...

"I'll let you know if I can come later... uhm.. when's your free period?" I asked shyly.

"Oh! Me and everyone else have it 3rd!" Levy exclaimed.

"Of course" I breathed out. "I do too. I'll let you know then." I said, internally telling my mind that I had to make a very important choice before the third period.

Before I knew it, it was the middle of History class and I had asked to go to the bathroom. The class was going to be spent introducing ourselves and since I already had, I felt like leaving the room for a bit. To try and figure out how I was going to answer Levy's question. Just as I made it down the hallway I was pushed down onto the floor. A girl with white hair that seemed to sparkle looked down at me.

"oops, sorry! I thought that if I accidentally ran into someone as fat as you, you wouldn't fall over." She snickered as I stood dusting off my skirt.

"Look, I don't know what I've done to anger you, but can I please leave?" I sighed.

"To go where? Class? You just left. You have no friends to go to. So where are you going to go, the bathroom like a lonely loser you are?" The insults she threw at me were terrible but they hit home. She was right. I had no friends. Wait, what am I saying? Why am I sad about that. It's been like that forever. Jeez Lucy, get it together.

"Or perhaps I actually have to use the bathroom?" I suggested

"Oh right, sorry I forgot desperate bimbos were human, too!" She chuckled to herself.

"I'm sorry who's the bimbo here? I'm sorry I'm not a mirror." I shot back. Next thing I knew her fist was connected to my left eye and I was forced into a locker.

"Let's get this straight. I run this town, not you. I'm the football water girl. And Natsu? He's mine. So get you big tits out of here." She spits before storming off as I wiped her saliva off me.

"gross..." I muttered while walking to the bathroom.

When I finished washing my face I looked up. My eye was turning a dark shade of purple and you could see the marks her fake nails made on my skin. I sighed and looked at my reflection more. Silent tears left my eyes. I didn't know why I was crying, I was told this in middle school all the time, suddenly high school comes and things change? No. Perhaps summer was just too long of a break from reality. Why am I crying over such a petty thing? I'm such a petty disgrace. I laugh at my appearance before wiping my eyes and walking out of the bathroom. Walking down the hallway I notice a familiar pinkette. He looked up and smirked before walking over and pushing me against the wall. One arm above my head and the other on my shoulder, holding me back. My breath hitched as I looked down, my hair covering my face.

"Something wrong?" I could hear his sly smirk in his voice. He was playing with me. He removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it under my chin gently.

"This is what you get for slapping me-" Once he lifted my head and the hair fell out of my face he froze. 

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