Chapter 9

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During FOL I got excused to use the restroom. But, instead of going to the restroom I walked to Natsu's locker, easily opening it with a hairpin I taped up pictures of baby Natsu dressed up as a princess. This was perfect. Under one of the pictures I put a sticky note reading; Don't touch my food next time!.

I walked back to the classroom, mentally reminding myself that after FOL Natsu goes to his locker before going to math class. My lips curled into a devilish smile as I imagine the reaction he could have. I walked into the classroom, devilish smile gone and replaced with a regular one. I walked to my seat and sat down, beginning to listen to the lecture, when suddenly the pink haired fool behind me jabs my side, probably knowing it would tickle my sensitive skin. I bit my lip to keep in my laughter. I turned around and shot a glare at Natsu.

"Whoops, my hand slipped." He shrugged, though he had a smirk on his face. Game on Natsu. Game On. The rest of the class went by smoothly, Natsu didn't jab me, so that was good enough for me. It was after class that I was excited about. When the bell rung I waited as patiently as I could, standing next to Natsu as we walked down the hallway. We all stood by his locker for a moment, before he finally opened it, as soon as I saw his eyes rest on the pictures he slammed his locker shut as I burst out laughing, his eyes wide as he looked at me with slightly tinted cheeks. Before he could do anything else to me I rushed down the halls, up the stairs, and into my math class, my safe zone. Never thought I would hear that. I stuck my tongue out at Natsu through the window when I spotted him as he pointed two fingers at his eyes before pointing one at me. I laughed in response as he walked to his own math class.

Math went by painfully slow, this strange feeling of wanting to see Natsu again was something I could get used to. The fact that I don't have to fear for my father anymore was something that I was happily getting used to. Though deep down, I was slightly scared that he would come back, find a way to see me again, hurt me, do something to me, even him getting near me scared me. But I also knew that he was behind locked bars in one of the best prisons in the state. That gave me a slight feeling of relief. Being around Natsu was also helpful, me not being as scared meant that I could fully be my dorky self, able to pull pranks, laugh, and joke around with him and everyone else without the fear of my father standing behind me, breathing down my back, looking for any reason to hurt me. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I realized people were standing up to leave for lunch. I looked in my bag before realizing that I wasn't able to pack a lunch because of the rush we were in this morning.

I groaned and stood up, going to walk out the classroom. As soon as I was fully out of the classroom, someone grabbed my waist, causing me to let out a loud yelp of surprise. 

"Natsu!" I let out a relieved sigh when I realized it was just him.

"You really are a scaredy cat, ya know!" Natsu laughed while rubbing the top of my head. 

"Shut up..." I muttered as we started to walk up the stairs,  Natsu laughing along the way.

"Hey did you pack a lunch?" I asked Natsu as a growl escaped my stomach. 

"Is Luce hungry?" Natsu laughed as I blushed and repeated my question.

"Well, did you?" 

"Did I what?" Natsu played innocent

"Pack a lunch?" I asked irritated.

"Nope," Natsu replied popping the 'p'.

"Shouldn't we go down to the cafeteria and get food then?" I asked

"No, we simply take food from everyone," Natsu said, smiling at me as if it was nothing as we walked through the roof doors.

"Is that a normal thing?" I asked

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