Chapter 5

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I had fallen asleep on the garden bench, and now Juvia was waking me up.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked as I nodded. "yeah, gotta go to class... sorry for bothering you!" I smiled before rushing off to the gym, where I quickly changed into my gym uniform and ran into the gym, seeing a few familiar people. I swear, they're everywhere. 

"Lucy!" Erza chimed as she, Grey, Gajeel, and Natsu rushed over. 

"Oh, uh hey." I greeted them. 

"Do you know what we're doing today?" Gajeel asks as I shrug along with Erza.

"Dodgeball..." Natsu mutters along with Grey.

"Wha-" We were interrupted by the coach. Before I had time to realize it we were on separate sides of the court playing dodgeball. Natsu, Me and Gajeel were on one side alongside a few other teammates and Grey, Erza and a few others were on the other side.One thing to know. I hate dodgeball, so when the first dodgeball came flying to outside I ran. I ran until it ended up just being me against Erza. 

"Shit," I muttered, there was no way I would throw a ball at Erza... I would just have to catch her toss-

In all my 'strategy making Erza had thrown a ball at my stomach, hitting me harshly. I groaned in pain. She has a hard toss. After regaining my strength I stood again and we all joined up with each other, mainly talking with each other for the rest of the class. When the last bell ended we all agreed to walk together back home. We started walking but after half a mile, when we ran into a stoplight everyone took their separate paths, leaving me and Natsu together alone. We walked in silence for a bit before I finally spoke.

"So where do you live?" I asked

"In the Magnolia Apartment complex." I froze. He lived in the same building as me?! What the hell?!

"...You?" He asked, pausing to look at my frozen figure. 

"Uhm, I do too... What room?" I ask, starting to walk again.

"Room 301. You?" I internally groaned.

"201. I live in the apartment under yours." I sighed as I could see the Apartment building edge nearer.

"Huh. How have I not noticed...? Don't you ride the bus to school?" He asked as I shook my head.

"What?! You walk?" He asked, shocked. I nodded chuckling.

"Then you get up earlier too? What time do you leave?" Natsu asks

"Erm...I leave at 6 so I wake up at 5..." I mutter, wanting to get 'home'. 

"Oh hey! This is a good thing!" 

"A good thing?"

"Yeah! Now I can walk you to school!" 

"Natsu. No."

"Natsu. Yes!"

I let out a groan of irritation as Natsu smirked. We entered the elevator and clicked our floor numbers. 2 and 3. Soon enough we got to floor 2.

"See ya at 5!" Natsu winked as I blushed. Why was I blushing? I shook my head and turned around, walking to my apartment and closing the door behind me.

After two hours I finally finished my homework and walked into the kitchen, planning to heat up ramen for dinner, when suddenly I heard distant tapping. My room window? I walked over to my window and opened the curtains. I screamed and backed away, seeing only the shadow of a person. The shadow pulled out a phone and turned on the flashlight as I glared at them. Natsu. I rolled my eyes and opened my window.

"The hell are you doing?!" I scolded as Natsu climbed off my balcony and into my room.

"Eh, felt like visiting. Wanted to see what your home looked like," Natsu shrugged as I scoffed.

"Ever heard of a door? Dumbass!" I let out a ragged sigh as my heartbeat slowed. Natsu laughed and looked around.

"Your room has a lot of paint supplies." He noted.

"Nah, really?" I said sarcastically. Though deep inside, I was glad he was here, I was still angry. I was about to have some precious ramen.

"You know, you get scared easily," Natsu said, walking around my room looking at the different paintings leaning against my wall.

"You just appeared at my window!" I blushed as Natsu turned to me smirking.

"Scardey cat." He teased. 

"Whatever." I sighed and walked out of my room and into the kitchen, finally putting water in the ramen cup then putting it in the microwave.

"Don't your parents live here too?" Natsu asked from behind me. I jumped slightly and turned around. 

"U-uh yeah. He's out on a business trip.." I muttered.

Natsu's P.O.V.

"He's"? The house seemed to be too empty for someone else to be living here. There was this certain feel that made the apartment seem lonely. Something or someone was missing. But who? Maybe its because her dad is on a business trip. I bet when he gets back the house will brighten up. What about her mom? Probably went with her dad... Still, isn't she lonely being all alone here? I started to walk around again, I heard the microwave beep as I entered a room.  It was the dining and living room combined together into one room. My eyes averted to a large bookcase filled with pictures. They were all of a young blonde headed who looked to be around 3, I guessed to be Lucy, and then two adults, both had blonde hair. They wore elegant clothing and were in front of a large house. Was this really Lucy? I looked at other pictures, noticing none were recent. They had the same people of the same age. Why wouldn't she have recent pictures? I felt Lucy pull me away by my shoulder. She pushed me out of the room and closed the doors. 

"Don't go in there." Her voice was slightly shaky. Why did she seem so pained? She was hurting. She let out an irritated sigh and leaned against the wall.

"Want anything to eat?" She asked as I shook my head.

I could tell she wanted to break the silence, so I did it for her. "The football game on Saturday is at a different high school, I could take you if you want," I suggested, looking at her face for some sort of reaction, to tell me what she's thinking. She was internally contemplating before she finally replied, "Sure." 

"Alright welp, I'll be going now! Don't miss me too much princess!" I winked then walked to her bedroom, climbing out of her window and onto her balcony, before jumping up to my own.

Lucy's P.O.V.

"I have a door to my balcony- or the window. the windows fine too." I muttered with a quick shake of my head. 

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