Chapter 1: Gotham

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Danny's POV

I had been working at a local clinic for quite some time. Let me tell you. It was not easy to get a job in this city, especially one that wasn't minimum wage or as a henchman when you're a teen.

 After so many times I got hurt from so many fights, you know a thing or two about medicine. But, that was before. I had acquired a healing factor last year. You never forget something so important.

"Why don't you take the rest of day off, Danny? You've been working hard lately. Go get some rest." Dr. Quill, my boss, said to me. I accepted the kind offer, even if I didn't need much rest.

I walked out of the door, the little bell above ringing, and towards my apartment. Thankfully, Princess Dora sent me off with a lot of starting-a-new-life money. 

I reach my front of the door, only to see a bunch of packages in front of it. I pushed through the packages to unlock the door.

I had a part-time job as a private repairman. I call it 'Fenton Works', as a tribute to my family. Tucker and my parents taught me how some things work for years. So I, what I'd call myself, am a bit of an expert.

I repaired all sorts of stuff: toys, devices, electric instruments, laser pointers—more often than you think— and phones. I was sent all sorts of things to repair. I see what was wrong with it, I return it, and then they send me money. And, if they didn't give the money, let's just say there would be a 'malfunction' with their device.

But that's not all that changed. I've also been taking a load of online classes and courses. I knew all those years of failed tests and a low GPA wasn't going to get me into any school in Gotham.

  I grew a little less depressed when I went to the Ghost Zone. They told me how my family and friends would want to continue my life. The ghosts also remembered their loved ones, but they want them to move on. This was basically why I went on living. Because they'd want me to.

 I asked Clockwork why all of my friends and family didn't go to the Ghost Zone. He said that only ghosts with true obsessions can go to the Ghost Zone, like how Ember is obsessed with music, and how Spectra is obsessed with youth.  My family went to heaven and are living peacefully.

I sweep the packages inside and placed them all on my workstation in my room. I was about to go through all the packages. But, not before my amazing white owl, Spooky, swooped in and on to my shoulder.

Spooky was an awesome gift from Pandora. Something about it being represented as wise or something else. He then started to repeatedly screech in my ear, which was a little less awesome. But hey, he's still a cool pet.

"Spooky," I said in a strict tone, making him jump onto the little bird perch attached the wall. Then I started to go through the mechanisms and technology.

*One Hour*

I had already finished opening all of the packages but one, leaving me enough time to go online for my assignments.

The last thing was a simple toy robot. I read the note on it: "Use to produce lasers out of eyes and beeping sounds, now doesn't.''

I open the robot and saw two things wrong: one, a wire was ripped off, and two, it needed new batteries. I fixed the wires in a jiffy and was about to put batteries when I realized that I could try something else other than any store bought batteries.

I take a key and unlock the top drawer on my desk to reveal a few battery shaped objects with red liquid, tinted with green, inside it, covered by reinforced glass. My blood. It was in the battery. I learned from my parents that ectoplasm is a great conductor of energy. A little too great. If not used properly, the unstable ectoplasm will make it explode, which is exactly what happened to most of their inventions. So I thought, 'Hey, maybe adding my own ecto-infused blood will stabilize it!'

I carefully place the battery in and turned on the toy. There were some buttons on it, so I touched the button on its head. To my surprise, lasers came out of its eyes. But not like regular toy lasers, green beams came out of it. It cut a hole on to my bed and I quickly turn the robot off. Not only did I fix the ectoplasm problem, but I made a regular toy become a weapon!

I quickly removed the batteries and secure them in my desk. I then get a pair of regular batteries and place them inside the robot. I leave it on my desk, planning on sending all the things back tomorrow, but not without a 'corruption' chip, which would activate if they didn't give me my money in two weeks time. To put it in simple terms, I send a signal to the chip, and it would make the device go kaboom!

I pull out my computer and let out a groan. This was going to take all night!!!

So, how was it? I don't exactly know if it's good or not...

Also, Danny has been in Gotham for about a week.

<< Bat Fact>>

  Batman's parents' names are Martha and Thomas Wayne.

I will be writing a 'Bat Fact' about Batman every chapter, so keep reading~! :3

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