Chapter 12: But a Start

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It's still flash back mode. I'm terrible at kinda combat scenes, so be warned.

Danny' POV

I may be good at fighting, but Fright Knight is way more better, faster,experienced, and tactical than me. Besides, I mostly fight in my ghost form, so I have more of an advantage as Phantom.

I try to hit his stomach, that was my first wrong move- I tried to hit first.

Fright easily dodged it. He looked as if he was going to punch me face, so I tried to evade it by moving left. That was mistake number two- it was a trick. He brought his foot up in a fluid motion and hit my side. His metal foot pierced my clothes, but I moved quickly enough so it wouldn't break skin. I hold my side in pain.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sir Phantom, the first thing I told you about fighting is-"

"-Deception." I finished off. He held annoyed look. Well, at least I think so. It's hard to see anything past that helmet.

He then made hand movements that clearly said 'do you wish to continue?' And to that, I nodded. I straightened myself our, ignoring to pain on my left side.

I then tried to think of ways to fight him. 'A man covered in armor was pretty hard to fight. The only opening I know was his face. But-'

I was cut off from my thought when I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek, enough force to throw me off my feet. I looked up from the ground just to see Fright Knight looking down on me.

"Never get distracted in battle." He lectured. I got back on my feet, trying to convince myself that pain is just an illusion of the mind so I won't roll in the floor because of the aching pain.

This time, I try to think more strategically and quickly. I try to aim for his head. After a few tries I manage to hit it. But before I did anything else, it turned out that my hand was stuck.

Fright and I took this as 'let's settle this problem for now'. I try to pull it back. After a few tries,  I detached my hand from his helmet.

That's where it began. My hand was a bit cut. There, I saw my tinted green blood.

I've never really got hurt in my human form after the accident. But I remembered that my blood was usually the regular bloody color, so this was a bit different. I decided to take this up with a professional!


"-And it just appeared like this!" I explained to Doctor Mancy. He was the only known, kind of, doctor in the GZ. Ghosts come to him when they have unexplained conditions, and this certainly was one. He looked like any normal doctor. White coat, stethoscope  around his neck, black glasses, and all all of that. He just has a white glow.

His power was basically that he can identify any sickness and control doctor equipment.

"Ah, it's just your human side embracing your ghost side a little more. It's seems that your human blood is trying to familiarize it with the body's ghost ectoplasmic circulation. The cause may be because you've usually been in the Ghost Zone OR because you've been in your ghost form for way too long." He explained in terms I understood.

"I see!" I realized, "So what should I do about it?"

"Seeing how if your blood becomes to familiar with the ectoplasm, the ectoplasm will fully devour the blood and make you full ghost. I recommend that you stay away from the Ghost Zone for a little while and use your human side a bit more." He said, writing something on his clipboard.

It took awhile for me to process the information. 'FULL GHOST!' I scream in my head.

That was part of the reason I went back. My mind branched out into all benefits going back to the Human world would bring. But that isn't the point of this flashback, the point is the blood.

"Another thing, I found some interesting." He said, moving towards a microscope. "It would have seemed your blood's DNA is different from the regular ectoplasm. I suspect their many other properties your blood may have. Sadly, I don't have to proper jurisdiction or time to do so. But, I can give you permission to use my equipment to find." There was something up. Ghosts just don't give things for free. Let alone use their equipment.

"What's the catch?" I asked suspiciously.

He grinned slightly. "I'm simply ask for your contribution in my works. Also all electronic equipment is currently not in working order and Technus' repair fee has gone up." He said the last part quickly.

"Fine." I held my hand out. He shook it. That's where it began. And where most of medical experience came from.

And this, was but a start in my investigation.


"-So that's my story." I finish explaining to Ember. Let me tell you, talking this much was exhausting.

"So your just gonna wait out until you ectoplasm is pushed back into your ghosts self?" She asked curiously.

"That was the plan!" Was my reply.

"So you just wanted to to export the full properties of you weird blood as long as you could?" More or less, I nodded. Ember got up and smack the back of my head.

"IDIOT! You didn't have to got through that entire story if you could have just explained it simpler!" She yelled. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Well I just wanted to explain more thoroughly." I tried to excuse my self.   She huffed in response.

'That's out of the way. But new problem: Fixing the living room. I gues-'  My thoughts were interrupted with a flick to my forehead.

"You're mumbling," she said annoyed.


Thanks the support!

I think people keep forgetting I update about every Saturday...

By the way, I may not be able to update next Saturday because of some family thing that's happening over spring break!

<<Bat Fact>>

Batman is considered world's best detective

(I'm running out of facts here!)

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