Chapter 21: What was That?

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Sorry for not updating last week, I'm just lazy. By the way I'll be going to Tennessee in about next week, so I might not be able to update. I don't know how my life is this eventful.

Danny POV

My eyes were wide, and so were Ember's. We were just staring at each other for a few seconds. And then I sprinted off to the bathroom, I heard Ember's steps follow me behind.

"Protocol  11G!" I yelled as I reach the door of the bathroom. A ecto-infused cage erupted from the ground capturing Ember within it.

"Danny, Don't you oped that door." She said from the cage. "I promise you, you don't want to open that door." My hand was on the handle of the bathroom door. I was biting my tongue, I went ahead and opened it. In a flash, a white flurry swooped past me, sending a screeching noise throughout the room.

"What the flippin' Frozen, Ember!?!" I fumed, realizing it was Spooky who was locked in the bathroom.

"Now this may look bad..." Ember tried to defend herself, but I won't have it. She deliberately locked Spooky inside the bathroom. Did she even feed her!?!

"Of course it looks bad, Em! You've locked my owl in my bathroom!" I was angry, it was as clear as the swirls in the Ghost Zone.  This my pet, who I gave responsibility to her! I let Ember take care of my Spooks-Spooks, and she locks her in the bathroom!

"At least let me explain!" She spoke.

I let out an angry sigh and mumble, "Overrule Protocol 11G." And don't think it's easy to overrule all of my other protocols. The protocols may work with anyone, but the reversal protocols only work with my voice.

The cage shrinks back to the ground, as if it was never there in the first play.

"How confusing can you get?" she said. I realized that she was now also wearing my baggy plaid pajama pants, and was still wearing my hoodie. "You have reversal codes, deactivation codes, protocols, overrule  protocols, and activation codes!" she dramatically waved her hands around while talking. "Why don't you just settle for a couple, Betwixt?"

"I was drowsy when I was setting up all these security stuff, my mind wasn't in the right place." I answered, but I quickly shake my head. "That's not the point! Explain why you stuffed my precious owl in the bathroom!"

Geez!" She raised her arms in defense. "Look, it was either that, or get pecked to (technically second) death! The choice was obvious Betwixt!"

I was sincerely frustrated at her. She's done many things to me in the past; prank me, lock me in a closet, invite me to a party when there was no party, mind control me to embarrass myself in a giant crowd, dye all my clothes purple, pierce my ears in my sleep (that was extremely painful), and somehow made me grow a tail for an entire week, but this really was the icing on the ghostberry cake.

I start to take slow breaths as I storm out the room. This was the most infuriating she ever done, and felt as if  need to let out some steam. I made my way back to my room, grabbed my cloak that resided in the depths of my closet, and opened my window.

I turned ghost, and put the cloak on. I took a glance at my computer, which still was on some pixel like game.

"Activate Security measures level 3, recognize Ember McLain as friend." As just like that, I had  vanished in the dim, dark streets of Gotham, spray paint in hand.

It's been at least an hour, and almost every street corner was decorated with my lovely ghost  symbol. I would think the time was about 7pm. I was calmed down but I was still a bit furious with Ember. It's not like anger will go away in a snap.

I was on top of a roof right now,  stepped back to admire my work. A giant ghost adorned the side of Ace Chemicals tower. It was a wonder how no one had seen me.

"What a sight..." I mumbled, smirking to myself.

"An act of vandalism is more like it." I heard a deep voice from behind me. I snapped my head back, looking for the source of the voice. To nobody's surprise, it was Batman and his little sidekick. I quickly put on a smile.

"Oh, how are ya Batman? Passin' around the neighborhood I presume." I said, talking to them as if they were an old friend. What confused me the most is why he came after me. Maybe he needs something from me...

He sent a glare, "Just serve your sentence, Phantom, and a few questions and everything will go along smoothly." Ahhh, so it's questions answered he wants...

I faked a gasp, "Whatever do you mean by 'sentence'? I've done no wrong." I exaggerate my voice. "If anything, you've done wrong! Beating up people each and every night. For shame, Batman, for shame!" I accused, pointing a finger at him.

"If you call vandalism and assault on an officer 'no wrong', then ya." little Boy-Wonder butted in.

"I was simply defending myself from those people." I put a hand towards my chest. "They were trying to pursue me! And as for the so called 'vandalism', it was simply beautifying this dreary environment. Are you trying to restrain me from my artistic pursuit? Shame on you!" I had no fear of being captured, I'm a ghost after all, and I'm pretty sure not even they know that.

I saw Batman take a step towards me, so I took a step back. This went on for about five steps more til, being the clumsy oaf I am, tripped on the ledge, sending tumbling down stories upon stories of floors. I felt my white hair flow up, my eyes wide. I put my hands on the top of the hood of my cloak, holding it down firmly so it covered my face.

I reflexively let out a scream, suddenly forgetting any factor of my ghostly ability. Then, out of nowhere, I stopped falling. I looked up to see Robin pulling me up with his own grappling hook, which was wrapped around my waist.

He pulled me up all the way back to the roof.

I smile at him and put my hand down from my hood. "It looks as if a robin became a lion. So a mouse like me will soon return the favor." I spoke in riddles, doing a mock bow. Suddenly I felt my hands pulled down and then secured by cold metal. It didn't take a genius to know Batman put a pare of handcuffs on me.

"Come on! I barely touched the officer lady!" I defended myself, but was given no answer. Rude.

"Hey! Let go of the Dipstick!"


You know what irks me the most? It's Danny Phantom Ten Years Later. They add the green and change the style of the clothing a bit and it just doesn't make sense to me. I take pride in things logic (I'm a Ravenclaw) and it's so illogical how he basically die in his HAZMAT suit and it just changes ten years later! Even the whole future Danny (Dan) seems more logical. And even if something happened during those ten years, nobody cares to elaborate what happened! Srry, I'm just ranting

<Phantom Fact>

Maddie does experimental cookie recipes. Such as "Butterscotch caramel apple doodles"

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