(Actual) Chapter 31: That's Enough

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Look at this, a very late update

Ember's POV

"Fucking Zone," I cursed at the sight before me.

Here it was, the whole building


I was basically listing every curse in existence, thinking how much of an inconvenience this was. Though I knew, in the back of my mind, I could sense my guitar when it was near me. It was my special item after all. But it would take much longer in this giant mess. 

Rubble and rock were spread out thoroughly and police tape surrounded the whole thing. Not like I cared at all, if the cops came I'd just run. Cloth from ripped costumes hung loosely from the clutter and it was almost like the festivities or yesterday never existed. All the good the place had was erased completely and it was nothing but vast destruction.

"Don't worry," Betwixt tried to comfort. "We'll find it eventually." We had been digging around for ages.

We already got the groceries and placed back home, but it was already an hour and we couldn't find a single thing. I had half the mind to yank off the disguise ring and really let my powers flow. But Danny, being the stickler he was, said I couldn't do that in broad daylight. Even if I turned invisible, I couldn't go looking through rubble and have tiny pebbles look as if they were flying off on their own.

But I was exhausted. I didn't feel the ghostly aura of my guitar anywhere and it was honestly frustrating. There was the possibility that the rubble was stifling the aura, so I just continued working.

My hands were tired and I was working up a sweat. My clothes were covered in dirt and my face was in a permanent scowl.

"I can't just 'not worry'!" I snapped, which I immediately noticed my actions. I was taking out my anger at someone who was just trying to help. I'd be no better than... nevermind.

"Sorry ' bout that, just..."

"I know, I know it's fine. If you want, I can stay here and help search?" 

I knew that Danny's work was coming close, it was almost one for goodness sake's.

I sighed, "No, Danny, you don't need to. You already left early for work, I wouldn't want you cutting work completely. Maybe I'll just head home and try to relax." I had felt a slight headache build up and those weren't the best.

Danny twitched a supportive smile, "How about we search at night?" I immediately got what he meant and I smiled back.

"Sounds like a plan!" I would do anything to work at night in something more... natural.


This was more like it!

Here I was, soaring through the sky with Betwixt, invisible of course, about to reach our destination. I was wearing my cropped cloak, because of 'Twixt's persistence on hiding an identity.  I found myself smiling, though worry was still slightly cloudy, as the wind blew against my face.

Though this wasn't any joy trip, it was a careful investigation. Investigating the rubble with powers and all!

Twixt and I landed at the rubble.

"I'll take left rubble and you'll take right, okay?" He asked, which I nodded to the instructions. 

I phased through the rubble with my hand, looking for anything that can touch at my ghostly hand.  My guitar was ghostly so it could touch you even when you're intangible. I hadn't ever lost my guitar for such a long time, even if it's only been a day. The Joker thing must have shaken me up. I was most definitely going to pummel the clown if he ever showed his ugly, caked face near me ever again.

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