Chapter 31: Ending This

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"What do you mean this is a crime scene?" I basically seethed as the building that we partied in was covered all over with police tape and cops.

"As I said, this is a crime scene. The Joker appeared here last night. This place will be off-limits until we can find out why Joker came here." The mustached bald man said. I could see Danny trying to hide his face, not sure why though. Maybe he didn't want to be identified as Phantom?

I basically ignored the Dipstick, "I already know why! Everybody knows why! Joker was after Howie Sold-his-soul-to-a-frickin-clown! Now let me in!" I basically shouted. I was impatient, as you can tell, to get my guitar back.  It's one of a kind after all!

The cop was obviously surprised by my attitude, but also had this look on his face. "Ma'am, could you please describe this 'Howie' character?" The baldie took out a notepad from his pocket as well as a pen. It annoyed me purely because I wasn't getting what I want.

"How about I describe how far I can shove that pen dow-" I felt a hand snake over my mouth.

"I'm sorry about my friend over here," Danny nervously laughed as he kept me ensnared as I tried to squirm out of his hold. "She lost her guitar and all she wants is to get it back, it's one of a kind." He spoke for me.

"I'm gonna kill the both of you!" I tried to say, but it came out muffled and incoherent because of Betwixt's stupid hand over my mouth.

"You mean you were both witnesses in the Joker's actions." The cop restated. Which was utterly stupid since we already mentioned that we did. I pushed Danny off myself with all my force, finally getting out. I glared at him for a good second and then changed the direction of my glare to Baldie McMustache.

I barked, "Well, yeah. Everybody in the party witnessed it, he kind of threatened to shoot all of us."

"If you would, can you explain why Joker was at the party. If you do, I might permit you to search the building for your guitar, as long as you do







Look, I'm sorry guys.

I wrote this three weeks ago and I tried to continue writing but I can't.

I'm sorry I have to break it to you guys like this; I'm not interested anymore. Writing isn't interesting, Danny Phantom isn't interesting, Wattpad isn't interesting. My life isn't interesting.

I'm not interested in any of this.

This plot is absolutely convoluted and useless. When I tried to input Dani, I realized I couldn't later on. I had such ambition to bring her in yet I saw no need too after months past. That's how I felt when starting this story. I thought I could bring it into completion,  but now I see I can't. After years, I finally see it. I refused to see it before, but now I do.

This story's done, I'm quitting officially. There's no point writing if I can't put some emotion into it. It's just mundane, nothing special about it. I can barely write a word before  I just groan and stop and 'leave it for another day'

I just can't do it anymore. I have to end this, I am ending this.

I thank out all for your support and lasting this long in this stupid, dumb, no good fanfic. Even if I stayed so inconsistent and my chapters were drawl. Even when I couldn't write for weeks at a time, or maybe your just a new person who doesn't realize how much of a cringey mess I am, either or.

I'll just tell you what was supposed to happen in the end, at least what I planned there to be. Like a little treat for anybody still there:

Danny thought it would be best for Ember to go to the party to help on the loss of her guitar. They go and troubles stir. Ember gets angry after Danny told her to go back to the GZ because she's in danger because of him.

Danny raves about how it's the best choice of action. They fight more. Dick tries to fake help but in actuality thinks he's more of a bad person and thinks its best to capture him soon seeing how his connections weakened.

Danny storms out and Dick chases after him. Danny loses Dick by turning to Phantom and ends up at the park. 

There Danny is finally confronted by who messed everything up, who ordered Dr. Mancy to get the ghostly items, the one who wants his utter destruction. There he sat contemplated everything, thinking how stupid everything is. He turned back to Danny and then looked up to see the unknown enemy.

It was...





























ApRiL FoOlS YoU fOoL!!!

Yup, I put so much emotion into my words just to do this. But I am going for an official hiatus, but I have big plans for this!

That whole ending description? FAKE! (Actually a lot of it was from the truth but as they say; through the lies, you'll see the hidden truth (not sure that's an actual saying))

Whelp, but I'm taking a month hiatus to really find what to write, besides, I'm writing something else! YES, something new will come by Summer!

Bye Nightlings!

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