Christmas Special! Pt-1

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I wanna thank everybody for reading my story! I honestly didn't think a lot of people would read this.


Danny's POV

A permanent scowl was on my face. it was a the day before Christmas Eve, and I hated  it. For Clockwork's sake, people were already caroling!

I know I should have learned my lesson all those years ago with the Ghost Writer, but ever since their deaths, it seems like mockery. Christmas is the time for friends and family, ha, how could I ever be able to do that?

I might just go to the GZ. It would be nice to see some friendly faces again. I heard that Desiree was making brownies. And let me tell you, they are the best! The only one that could rival against hers is.... Mom's.....

"Now, now Danny, I don't want to see such an unfriendly look." Dr. Quill told me. Slithering Spooks! I forgot I was still at work. Doc always tells me to smile because it makes the patients feel good.

"Oops, sorry." I look back at my current patient, a kid who scraped his knee, and he looked pretty scared. I know that some clinics don't provide service to things like this, nonetheless kids. But hey, it's Gotham.

"So you mind telling me how you got yourself hurt?" I asked while putting some alcohol on his scrape, making him wince a bit. Quill tells me the patients feel more comfortable and better if you talk to them.

"It was a ghost..." He murmured, but I was skilled enough to catch it. I freeze up. 'Impossible! I had made sure that not a single ghost would go to Gotham!' I thought. It was true, I asked/commanded every ghosts to stay out of Gotham so I could have a normal life. Then I had a thought, 'what if it really isn't a ghost?'

"A ghost, eh? I once had dealt with one of those." I humored the kid while putting a big, fat band-aid on his knee. I know I actually telling the truth, but I don't need any sane adult think I'm crazy. Knowing Gotham, there's bound to be a few insane adults.

The kid's eyes lit up, "Really? Then you can help me, right?" He looked so hopeful that I could do it that there was no way I could go and break his young spirit.

"Of course, let me just tell my boss." I told the kid. I really have to know this kid's name.

I walk towards Dr. Quill who was getting some bandages from the storage room.

"Hey Doctor, can I leave for a while? I just told the kid that I knew had to deal with ghosts." I said, rolling my eyes. Like I said, nobody sane needs to think I'm crazy.

Dr. Quill let out a small chuckle, "Go on ahead." This is one of the reasons I like Quill, he's not one of those strict bosses.

I walked to the kid and gave him a nod and a smile, telling him that we can go. He stood up and started to lead me.


We walked together until we reached a park.

"So how is the ghost terrorizing you?" I asked him, putting an extra emphasis on 'ghost.'

"She keeps on pushing me and my friends off the swing-set and monkey bars, demanding us to sing like her Daddy does, Mister. But she keeps complaining how we sound nothing like him." He told me, this actually could be the cause of an actual ghost! Most likely a lost soul.

Lost souls usually have everything needed to go into heaven, or hell, but they stay because they have some sort of demand of task. There not usually seen in the naked eye, nonetheless push someone, this must be powerful.

I was getting more serious. "Say, where's this playground?" I ask him kindly yet a bit sternly. He pointed to a playground on the right, and as if on cue, a wisp of cold breath escaped my mouth. There was definitely some sort of ghost.

I tell the kid to stay on a bench near tree and wait for me. A walk over to the playground, and saw a ghostly aura. And in the middle of that aura, was a little girl, no older than nine. But she was black and white. her skin was gray and her clothes were black and white, kinda like Sydney Pointdexter.

"Hey, what do you think your doing here?" I called out to the girl, she turned around and looked directly at me.

"Aren't you a bit old to be in a playground?" she asked snottily, oh great she one of those types. "Well if you must insist," answering my question, "I want to hear a song that Daddy use to sing, but everybody here sounds like a dying, constipated donkey." Looks like the only way to get her outta here is to sing. Good thing I learned from the best, aka Ember.

"How about a sing for you?" I offered, wanting this little ghost girl to stop terrorizing little kids like that kid.

"Hmm, you do look kinda like Daddy, go ahead. But only a Christmas song." 'Ugh! Why does it have to be Christmas.'  But nevertheless, I have to stop this horrible kid. I started to sing. I sang 'All I Want for Christmas is You'  (I'm not going to right the lyrics, but I may do it with other songs)

The little girl started to clap. "YAY! You sound just like my daddy! Now sing in front of others on Christmas Day!" I look at her, shocked to hear the words that were uttered out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry, what?"


Ooh, what will Danny do?

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