Chapter 32: It's the Bat

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Danny PoV

My head snapped at the deep sounding voice, stopping me mid-flight. It was bad enough that I went all dark for a second, now Batsy's here. But I shouldn't be acting like tense and scared Fenton, but fluid and sly Phantom. That's what Phantom was.

Batman caught Robin by his cape, "You weren't given permission to patrol today, Robin." He scolded Robin. I found it amusing, though I was just trying to distract my mind from an earlier event.

Robin glared at Batman, even if it wasn't as powerful as Bat's, "I'm doing my mission. I knew these two were going to be here and I'm doing what you assigned me to do!" He basically shouted. But The Bird-Brain's words caught my attention. He knew I was going to be here, meaning he has listening methods. Most definitely those bat-shaped devices I found in my house, meaning there's more.

I decided to intrude, "Batsy, Batsy! What a surprise you've appeared, I'll be on my way while you scold the bird. So thankful that you've saved me, really owe you one." I spoke in a carefree voice. I could see, from the corner of my eye, Ember that floated as stiff as a board. She wasn't used to fighting without her guitar by her side and hasn't been out from the Zone for quite some time.

I saw Batman's eyes tear from Robin on to me. "Hold on, criminal. what business did you have that drove Robin to find you?"

I sighed, "Honestly, I was just looking for something that was taken from its rightful owner. All he wanted to do was ask me questions and distract me from my mission. By the way, Birdbrain, my name's Phantom, not Danny. The one and only. Now, tata!" I waved at them before I took Ember's hand and teleported to the apartment.

"Ghosts!" I cursed as I sat down on the couch. "Did you hear him, Em? He knows, meaning there has to be some sort of way he found out. As far as anybody should know, I'm a dead man and a non-existent man."

"Maybe that's what threw him off? The whole fake background and such? With enough digging, they'd connect Fenton to a family that supposedly died by ghosts and the newest ghost in the city?" Em suggested. I thought it over for a second and it made complete sense.

But there was one problem, how would any of the Bat's team suspect me of all people? There wasn't any direct connection between Phantom and me except for the fact that our looks are similar. But that was the reason for the hood, so was it not working or was it something else?

I thought a little before I head Ember's voice call out to me, "Oh my ghosts, Danny!"

I snapped out, completely surprised by the outburst. Until I noticed a particular problem happening around me. My fingertips were icy and the couch was starting to look frosty. I noticed the slip-up of my powers and quickly retreated the ice back into my core.

I groaned loudly, "Not now of all times!" My core hasn't been exercised in a few so the sudden outburst of energy messed me up. Now I have to let out the energy build up before I spontaneously freeze things.

Problems just keep getting worse.

Batman's POV

Wow, I've never felt so frustrated. Dick had many outbursts lately, but to outright sneak out to interact with a dangerous criminal was just... dangerous. How could he be so reckless?

"Look what you did! I almost had him!" He shouted at me and my frustration just rose.

"Do you know how dangerous he is? The newest meta in town and you just barge in without a full grasp of his powers? There's nothing more stupid than what you just did." I didn't shout at him but I did make my anger noticeable. Dick was jus so high in petulance that, at times, its difficult just to talk to him.

"Well then you shouldn't have assigned him to me." He stabbed a thumb at his chest.

"I didn't. I assigned you to Daniel Fenton for radioactivity, not Phantom. I am the one assigned to Phantom, not you. And I'll be the one to take you out if you continue to enact endangering plans that will only lead to destruction." I glared at him and he glared right back.

Dick shoved him self away from me, pulling his cape back from my grip. "Stop pretending you care, Bruce. Admit it, you just want me stay away from your little operation. I threaten you since I'm affecting your night job!" The accusation took me back, actually startled by the fierceness of it. I didn't show it, but it got my mind thinking.

Had I really given that sort of impression? I was always busy in the day managing the company and thinking of ways to defeat villains and during the night was all about being a vigilante that the day would go by so fast. It was always over before I knew it.

And seeing him so worked up and angry made me feel... bad. Batman was the model of who Dick should never be, a vengeful and angry spirit, and yet, instead, it was his existence that made my relationship with Dick harder. To be honest, it was all my fault. 

I should've made time earlier. The least I could to do was to try to fix it.

I took a deep breath. "I do care for you, but my mind is pure vengeance. Even when I recognize it as a problem, I can't just stop. It's a part of me. I apologize if that it's affected our relationship, and I should have recognized it being a growing problem, but I still care. It isn't false and I can swear my own life behind statement. If you think Batman is the cause of your anger than I cannot blame you for the Bat is the epitome of my anger."

Dick's angry expression lightened up, almost having a look of understanding, but he turned his head to the side, avoiding my stare. But I knew that he understood what he meant.

"Let's just get home."

???'s POV

There was so much power in him. I could sense it. He would be of great use in the future. It's own downfall for being so trusting. But I guess my powers have something to do with it also.

  I just have to gain the half's trust. Then it will greater to back-stab him in the future.

  This what you deserve, Danny. This is what you get after defeating Pariah. Fear the wrath of one of his faithful followers , me.

Your existence may have brought down Pariah down, but I will bring you down. There will always be someone greater, and I am the one greater than you, Daniel.

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