Chapter 4: Almost Caught

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Since I was a few days off of my usual Schedule (which is every Saturday) I will give this a little early. Mostly because  I'm a very impatient person

Danny POV

I stagger to my closet and take out my cloak.

I transform into my ghost form and wear it over my HAZMAT suit

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I transform into my ghost form and wear it over my HAZMAT suit. I couldn't just remove the suit. I half-died in it. Meaning, it was technically a part of me.

  My eyes weren't as bright green as they use to be. They're duller, less alive. People say eyes are the window to the soul, in my case, my obsession. Once my eyes turn gray, that's when I truly know my obsession has faded. After that, I might as well fade out of existence.

I also take a few paint cans out. As I said, malevolence is a great coping mechanism. I intangible myself out of my apartment, so no one would know that I was 'Ghosty'. I still think that's one of the worst nicknames the media gave to me. Inviso-Bill is still on top of the top of the list.

I was going to do something big this night. I was going to paint my little ghost graffiti on the Gotham Lighthouse.

*Sometime After*

I cackle as the lighthouse showed my graffiti at the sky. It was like the Bat's, but it was a ghost.

I still can't believe that I got away with that so easily. It was like the city wanted me to to paint a ghost on the Lighthouse.

I was walking, invisibly, back to my apartment, when I saw perfectly clean white wall. I just couldn't pass the opportunity. I turned visible, putting my hoodie up, and started to spray at the wall.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" I heard someone say. I turn to the direction of the voice and see two officers. Crap. I started to make a run for it.

"Get back here!" the girl officer yelled. I tried to take a shortcut by heading into ally way, but it was a dead end. I started to get nervous, but then I realized something. I have ghost powers! I mentally face-palm at my own stupidity. I turn Invisible.

"We got you now, Ghosty! the guy officer said as they went into the alley. Oh no, It's one thing to call me a criminal, but it's an entirely a different thing to call me that.

"What? Were'd he go?" One of them questions.

I decided to give them a bit of a fright. I start to flicker the lights in the alley, something I picked up from Technus. The officers were alarmed at it. I then let out a cackle, making it seem like it was coming from every direction.

"Who's there? Show your self!" The girl shouts.

"And why do you think I'd answer to you?" I said in a chilling voice, echoing slightly. The officers start to show fear. Hah! If this is what they think is scary, then they should see when I'm really trying.

"I'm warning you! I'm not afraid to shoot this gun!" he said. I appear in front of them, no longer invisible. I whisper, but loud enough for them to hear me, "Then shoot." The guy shot his gun but it went right through me, thanks to intangibility.

They both take slow steps back, lowering their guns. "W-w-what a-are you-u?" the girl said, her voice quivering.

I suddenly appear right before them, right in front of their faces. I said, "I'm a phantom."

The girl took some large steps back and slipped on a soda can, knocking herself out on the cement. Okay, I admit, I was pretty worried for the girl. All I wanted to do is scare them enough to take therapy for it, but I wouldn't want them to get physically hurt.

The man went down to kneel in front of the unconscious woman. "Wake up, Sam. Aren't we supposed to be both heroes?" He said. I heard his voice quiver in distress as if he was going to cry, but what got most to me was her name. Sam. And just like that, I remembered my nightmares, my memories, my love.

I quickly disappear in a flurry of black smoke, and into my apartment. I start to take deep breaths, trying to forget her corpse. I was trying to forget how I saw her in the rubble after I saw the explosion in front of my very own eyes.

I got to the pantry, get some cookies, turn on the TV, and sit on the couch, wanting to drown myself in meaningless cartoons. This always seems to calm me down a bit. It's like a plan B if malevolence doesn't fully work.

A few hours past. I recovered from my earlier stress. I was about to change back to my human self - since I forgot too - when I received a call from Dr. Quill.

"Um, hello?" I asked. Mr. Quill didn't usually call me on my off day, which is today.

"Danny! I need to tell you something!" he said, making it sound very important. But, why would he tell me? And why at 10 pm?

"Of course, doc. Whatchya need?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant. But I was freaking out. Why would he call me!?!?

"No time for talk! Meet me in front of the clinic!" He said in a rush. I don't have a single clue on what was going on, but I knew it had to be something important. Questions were bubbling in my head as I ran to the clinic. Could it be that the clinic was ransacked? Or he got seriously hurt and he can't do it himself?!? OR WAS I GETTING FIRED????


Looks like Danny's experiencing quite a bit of trouble. I somehow found the perfect image for the situation. Above!

<<Bat Fact>>

Batman was first featured in a comic in May 1939.

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