Chapter 9: Wait...

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Danny's POV

I explain to Ember the whole situation. How I've been experimenting with my blood. How the Bat's on my tail about it. And much, much more.

"Whoa, whoa, your tellin' me that you've been experimenting on your blood?"  She said, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"That's not the point right now. Batman's on to my experimenting and I my get into some big trouble!" I tell her, shaking her back and forth.

"That sticky thing behind the poster, is that the only one?" Ember inquired.

"I don't know! It's the only one I found so far, so I think this is the one room that's clean from those things. I'll be on the lookout for them. So, to be safe, be careful on what you say in my place from now on." I said. I started to stress out. I sound-proofed the room. Specifically, I put a sound-proof, invisible shield around the room. But only this room.

This really wasn't the kind of escape I wanted. I just wanted to have a calm, normal life for a few years. Is that too much to ask? Why in the worlds between did I have to go to the city of 'the world's greatest detective'?

"Um, well, for a little while, I guess you could call it our place."  she mumbled, giving me a weak and nervous smile. It took me a few seconds to realize what  she said.

I heavily sigh. "Let me guess, you went through a natural portal, lucky enough it was in the current time period, and now you don't have a way to go back until I make some kind of ghost portal. Am I right?" I gave her an annoyed look. She gave me a sheepish nod. 'This situation is getting too predictable. Next thing you know, I'll be running late to school or something. Wait a second...'

I widen my eyes. I take a quick look at the time, 1:43. 'Ghosts!  I only have two minutes to get to work!'

"Ember! I need you to take care of the place for the next five hours. Can you do that?" I say, looking in my room mirror to see if I'm properly dressed. I put on a gray jacket. I make my way to the kitchen.

"What? Why?" She asked, following me to the kitchen.

"I'm off to work. I need you to put that wooden box in the safe, put that safe in the drawer, and feed Spooks." I say quickly. You'd think a person who's friends with the ghost of time would be well coordinated. But nooo, I just had  to be the most dis-coordinated person I know! I pack some snacks, fully knowing that I would eventually get hungry.

She replied,"Well, see ya later! You have a bit more explaining when you get back. I'll take care of ya snowy girl." This stopped me at my tracks. I gave her a look.

"Did you say girl?"

She just scoffs. "Of course Spooky's a girl! Female Snowy owls are known to be bigger in size than male snowy owls! And have dark bands tail feathers!" She said in a voice that screamed 'Are you oblivious, or just plain dumb?'

'Wow. Well that solves that mystery!'  I thought. But I couldn't stop now, I had to get to work! I make my way to the door.

"Ember! I'll be back in a five hours! Lock the door, would ya?" I yell as I ran out with a paper bag of snacks. I look at my watch. 1:49. I run for the next eight minutes in half speed. Since full speed shouldn't even be humanly possible.  I took daily runs in the Skulduggery Forest (A forest in the Zone) with Wulf. Do you even know how exhausting it is to catch up to a werewolf? They're basically made  for running!

I continue my  eight minute run until I finally reach the clinic. Usually, I'd walk to hear for about twenty minutes, but that was when I was on time. I stagger up to the door, every step I took I took a big breath. It's hard to keep a constant speed when you walked around for, like, 3 hours before hand!

As I enter the small building, I see Mr. Quill in the front.

"Danny! You're late by about fifteen minutes. You should know better." He said, giving me a disappointing look. I didn't know why, but it reminded me how Mom would look at me whenever I came home past curfew.

I scratch the back of my neck nervously. "Um, well... I just had to meet with an old friend." I gave out a nervous laugh.

Suddenly, Mr. Quill's frown curled into a smile. He gave me a knowing look.

"Ah, I see. It's a girl, isn't it?" He guesses. I started to get flustered, which really didn't help my case.

"No! There's no girl!" I exclaim, shaking  my head in a 'no' manner. I bet that I was blushing.

He lets out a laugh, "It's fine Danny. It's not like it's any of my business. I'm not your father." I started to frown slightly when he said that, but I quickly hid it. I kind of liked the idea of him being a father figure. even if he's only been my boss for But to keep this job, I have to have parents. Doc would surely fire me if he knew that I was just but an insignificant orphan.

"Why don't- don't we check on the patients?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. He laughs once more, before nodding his head.

'Now all I have to do was explain to Ember about experimenting on my blood, create a Ghost Portal and not have Batman and his little sidekick find out due to the high powers of radiation because of it, keep Ember a secret, and go to the party. This going to be easy! .....................Not.'


So sorry about the short chapter! I don' want to give you another excuse for it. I'm just going to say it: I'm lazy.

BUT, I won't be lazy next chapter! I'll make it exciting and stuff.

Thank you all for the amazing support you give to this small story! It already has 4k views! I'm planning to do something special when this hits 5k views. Though I don't know what to do yet, you can leave any suggestion for the matter!

<<Bat Fact>>

(I'm not sure f it's canon or not) Batman would brand his enemies with Bat symbols to make them fear him.

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