01| Zdravei Katerina

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A/N: Trailer above ^-^ Hope you enjoy the story!:)


Only a distant moon lit up the small town of Mystic Falls as a 5'7, mischievous brunette stepped into the lively bar of Mystic Grill. The last couple of weeks had all gone according to her wishes, but today was special. Elijah and her had been working together to get the cure, and it was time for their fateful meetup. The plan was to offer it to Klaus in exchange for Katherine's freedom and Elijah's freedom to love her as he pleased.

The pair had been working five steps ahead of the Scooby-Doo gang of Mystic Falls all this time. They had recently figured out where Silas and the cure were located, and Katherine would soon make her trip to the island. She smiled at the thought of her and Elijah finally being together, and her getting her freedom. Even though she was a girl who enjoyed the excitement of living on the edge, she would do anything to get rid of Klaus, and it looked like the time had finally arrived to get her wish fulfilled.

She sat down on a green bar stool and waited for the original brother. "One drink please," she ordered the bartender.

As Katherine smiled to herself, fantasizing about her future with Elijah, she felt a chill go down her spine. Getting the sensation that someone was watching her, she quickly looked around before her eyes set on one specific man across the room. There was no way... right?

She squinted her eyes as she watched the man observing her move closer. Katherine couldn't believe it, it was just her luck. The only person she had ever feared was walking towards her, and before she could even process how or why, he took a seat next to her. Shivers traveled down her entire body as he murmured her name gently like he hadn't chased her around the world for 500 years.

"Katerina. Pleased to see you here," he said nonchalantly as he took a seat.

His eyes had long moved away from her and were now directed at the bartender as he ordered himself a drink as well. Katherine, however, sat at the edge of her seat and stared at him. Somehow she couldn't bring herself to run, she was too paralyzed with fear. Maybe it was also partly the fact that she knew it was pointless. If Klaus wanted her, he would have her, no matter if she put up resistance or not.

Katherine had only come out of hiding because she thought Klaus was trapped in the Gilbert house. It was a risk to show herself in town while he was still there, and she had known that, but she didn't know luck would fail her this bad.

"Klaus." Her voice trembled, although she tried not to. She tried to hide her fear by focusing on Klaus' disheveled look instead. Something was different about him. He looked... different, in a way. Sadder. "Something's wrong. What happened?"

Klaus let out a dry chuckle in response. "You do know me too well," he answered with a sigh. "Your newly-turned-vampire doppelganger and her brother drove a white oak stake through my brother's heart," he said, seemingly unfazed although Katherine could see through his facade.

Katherine's eyes widened slightly, her heart racing. "Elijah?" she asked in a whisper, but Klaus shook his head.

"Kol," he mumbled.

They sat in silence for what felt like minutes to Katherine but were closer to seconds before the bartender placed the drinks in front of them. Klaus took a sip before opening his mouth yet again.

"Enough about me. What is the one and only Katherine Pierce doing here of all places, a bar in Mystic Falls at 1 am?" he asked with a smirk. It was clear to Katherine that he was just playing with her, but she could do nothing but answer.

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