16| A Ray of Hope

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Katherine woke up the next morning with a strange feeling

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Katherine woke up the next morning with a strange feeling. She was both worn out yet replenished with a new energy from the information she had been given the night before, as well as her night's rest. Surprisingly, she had slept better that night than in months.

She noticed a heavy weight over her chest and realized an arm was wrapped around her. She turned her head to see Klaus sleeping next to her and the memories from the night before started flooding her mind. Somehow she was thankful to Klaus for stopping them from going further, but on the other hand, she couldn't believe she had even kissed him in the first place. Because who was he to her other than the man who had slaughtered her family and forced her on the run for five centuries? What was she to him other than the girl who broke his ritual and stole his moonstone? And then he'd had the audacity to ask for her forgiveness, and she'd had the audacity to feel more contempt by those words than by those spoken by any of her previous lovers. She had been there for shy of a week, and she was already kissing her worst enemy? That was next-level Katherine. She cursed herself. She had loved every second of it, that was what scared her the most.

Katherine got up to change out of yesterday's outfit, the outfit that now had Klaus's scent all over, and she felt the shame from last night creep onto her. As she started opening the drawer, she heard Klaus wake up behind her.

"Awake so soon?" he asked as he started getting up from the bed.

"I'm going to find Bonnie," she answered, almost bitterly as she harshly pulled out a shirt from the drawer. "And when the spell is done I'm leaving."

"Leaving?" he raised a brow, walking over to her to put one of her curls behind her ear. "I won't let you just run away Katerina, and not to forget we made a deal. It doesn't just end when you have gotten what you wanted."

She exhaled sharply and looked away, frustrated. "No, I can't stay here anymore! I- I don't know who I'm turning into."

"Is this about last night?" he asked, his tone still gentle as he made her look up at him. "You have all the time to figure it out you know, now that you'll live."

"I don't want to know," she sighed, becoming breathless the longer she stared into his eyes. Actually daring to remain eye contact with him and on top of that seeing him in this new light, it scared her. He looked like a different person entirely. Before, whenever she looked into his eyes, all she could see was hatred, and all she could feel was fear, but now she saw the memories of the night before and all the feelings she had experienced in that strange, yet familiar moment.

Perhaps Katherine had never really known him at all. She just knew the version of him that he had shown her. The cruel side, the side that Katherine had studied and learned how worked, the one she calculated her movements around to avoid perfectly. The side that she had hated and had hated her in return. Never had she known Klaus to be able to show this care and understanding for others. Especially not for someone like her, someone who had wronged him in the past and earned his wrath. She knew that to Klaus, people like her only existed to get disposed of. At least that's what she had thought all these years.

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