02| Disconcerting Memories

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Katherine knew she had to do something to save herself

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Katherine knew she had to do something to save herself. If she stayed with Klaus, it was clear she would endure hell.

"Klaus, I-" she adjusted herself on the bed, "I have the cure," she started, hoping to strike up a negotiation. It was really a half-lie half-truth, because she would've had the cure in no time if he hadn't captured her. If he let her go, she could go get it for him.

Klaus merely looked back at her with amusement. It was clear he enjoyed her desperate attempt at negotiation. 

"You can have it, if I get my freedom," she said before grimacing in pain again.

Klaus's amused expression didn't fade. "Now here's the downside to that; I know when you lie. You don't have the cure, since I've been keeping tabs on it ever since it's existence was revealed." Klaus smirked before continuing. "Besides, the pleasure I'll get from watching you suffer will be greater than any potential cure I could get in my possession."

Katherine scoffed at him, resisiting the urge to roll her eyes. "How about letting me go anyways", she asked, her tone half-sarcastic, even though she fully meant it. "Think about it, I can get the cure for you and in return you leave me alone."

Klaus sat down next to her on the bed, making Katherine retract slightly. "Do you take me for a fool? The second you get your hands on that cure you'll shove it down my throat."

"I won't! I promise," she blurted out. "You don't understand. I've been planning to offer you the cure for weeks now. I got the tombstone, you got the sword, and Bonnie is easy to snatch up on the way."

Klaus' smirk dropped slighly and his expression changed to a more skeptical one. "Why would you want to give me the cure... Your freedom?" he guessed and she nodded yes, hoping he would accept her terms. Klaus was silent for a few seconds before continuing. "You couldn't have found the cure without the sword. Which is in my possession."

Katherine could tell he doubted her authenticity, so she debated if she should tell him the entire truth to convince him. "Well, about that..." she hesitated, wondering if it was a smart move to say this, "I sent someone to steal it, but they failed."

Klaus' face went slightly dark and he got that scary look in his eyes which Katherine hated. He grabbed her throat and began to compel her. "Why? Do you know what role it has in finding the cure?"

"Yes... and I will tell you, willingly," she said, indicating for him to release his grip. He let her go and she rubbed her neck before continuing. "The sword is the solution to translating the map. You see, the handle, as you surely have noticed, is a cryptex. The cryptex is the code to translating the map little Gilbert just expanded by killing your brother. It'll translate the map into an ancient language called Aramaic. And something tells me a certain hybrid knows how to translate it."

Klaus furrowed his brows. "How did you know?"

Katherine pressed her lips together nervously. "Wild guess. So, do you accept the deal?"

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