07| Requited Rescue

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The sun had already begun to rise in the distance

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The sun had already begun to rise in the distance. An irritable and fuming Katherine dragged herself after Galen, both her hands tied behind her back and a rope around her neck. She really didn't appreciate getting dragged around like a dog, and the vervain-soaked string marking her used-to-be flawless skin didn't make it any better. She wondered if Klaus had woken up yet, and when he would find out, she was missing. He would not be happy that Katherine let herself get caught. She knew that, and she feared the consequences. However, she didn't really mind Klaus's punishment as long as he would get her out of this situation she now found herself in. Tailing along after a vampire-hating bastard was surprisingly worse than following the evil-hybrid bastard.

"How long are we gonna just walk around," she spat through her teeth. They had just been walking for hours, seemingly going nowhere, and it bothered her.

"For as long as it takes," he jagged as he pulled the rope in one harsh movement, making Katherine crash into a tree. He seemed to take pleasure in her groans of discomfort and annoyance as her face met the bark. He kicked her down to the ground and put the heel of his shoe at her chest, pressing just hard enough to hear some of her ribs crack.

"I have a list of things I'm gonna do to you when I'm free," she fumed, instantly regretting her earlier hesitation. Even being stuck in the torment of her own mind for 50 years would have been better than this humiliation.

"Ya can't kill me."

"No, but I can sure as hell make you wish you were dead."

Galen snorted with no hint of glee in his eyes, only a stern gaze as he picked up a stick and shoved it into her neck, drawing blood.

"I hate vampires, missy. Do ya really think ya should provoke me right now?"

She scowled at him, resisting the urge to wince in pain. "I'm not stopping until you tell me what the hell we're walking around for. Just waiting. You scared or something? Pathetic."

Galen only grinned and shoved the stick further into her neck, making her shut her eyes close in pain. "Do ya know what's worse than vampires? Vampires like you. Who doesn't care and just acts."

Katherine growled in frustration, trying to twist her hands out of the ropes but to no use. She was sure this guy was the only person in the world more annoying than Klaus, and that takes a lot.

"I told you. Ya'r leverage. Leverage to get that girl to open the cave to the cure."

Katherine couldn't help letting out a dry laugh, snorting at how pathetic he was. If she was leveraged to manipulate Klaus and Bonnie into doing Galen's bidding, he had picked the wrong girl. Klaus didn't care about her, and Bonnie certainly did not either.

"What's your goal?"

"Isn't it obvious? My goal is the same as any hunter's goal. Find the cure, feed it to Silas and then kill him. That's my purpose."

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