\\ Chapter Five //

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~ The Next Day ~

I woke up and looked at the time. It was 7 am. I groaned and tried to find the comfortable spot on the bed to sleep more. I was enjoying my sleep until I heard the door swing open. I felt small arms wrap around me and hold me tightly. I looked up to see Aj, she must of found out about last night.

"H-he's moved on Aj." I croaked out.

She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. She couldn't even believe it herself. She hadn't said a word yet and all she did was rub my back and hold me tight. Did he really move on? Or was this just a coverup? We weren't together anymore, but everytime I see him it brings back the best times we've had in our relationship. He was now my past, never to come back into my life now. I cried gently into Aj's shoulder until I couldn't produce anymore tears. I wonder if he even felt the least bit bad about what he did, Probably not.

I told Aj I was going to shower and she left the room. I showered and brushed my teeth, I straightened each piece of my long brown hair carefully. I put on my lace panties and bra. I slipped on some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I walked out of my room and put on my moccassins. I was going to take a walk, a very long walk. I took my keys and my phone and left the tourbus.

I needed to clear my head so I decided to go to the starbucks across the street. As I walked into the starbucks I saw Aj and The Shield at their own table with Brooke. I rolled my eyes at all of them and decided to get my own table.

I sat at my table sipping my caramel frappuccino and glancing over at Aj's table. Roman actually looked happy, he finally moved on. I felt my heart shatter a little when I saw Brooke give him a quick peck on the lips. I decided to hide my hurt inside, i'm tired of crying over some worthless asshole. He was once my everything, but that means nothing now. I walked over to the table where Aj was at and she looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Babycakes, you came out of your room." she beamed. I couldn't help but giggle at her and sit next to her and Dean. "Hey Sethie!" I said while giving him a tight hug. "Hey Shorty #2." he said with a stupid smirk. Aj and I both glared at him playfully. I could feel Brooke glaring at me from the corner of my eye. Oh well. "We should totally do something fun tonight!" Dean said. When it came to fun Dean would always overdo it, what can I say he's a party animal. "Oh that would be great." Aj said clapping excitedly. "Sure, one night out wouldn't hurt." I said, Seth agreed.

We all decided to go to a nightclub called Toxic. Lord this should be fun..

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