\\ Chapter Fourteen. //

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Roman's POV

The piercing bright light caused my eyes to flutter, I realized I was in a hospital room then started to panic. What happened yesterday? I don't remember a thing. My throbbing headache got more and more intense the more I moved so I just settled on staying still.

" He's up guys! Look.. " Said a voice, which I'm guessing was Dean's.

My eyes finally flung open to see a room full of the people I've grown to call friends.

"Mmm.." I groaned in pain.

" I'll go get a doctor.. " Aj said then walked out of the room.

Seth was sitting in a chair next to Kaitlyn.. his head was in his hands. It actually surprised me that he even wanted to be here, I ruined his life.

Leila was nowhere in sight, guessing she was too distraught to stay in the room. I truely loved Leila, I really did. What happened that night was cruel and hurtful and I hate myself everyday for it.

" Okay.. Mr Anoa'i is it? " The short brunette doctor peered at me from her clipboard as I nodded.

She 'mhmed then looked back at her clipboard.. she inhaled a sharp breath then began to speak.

"Looks like you sir were in a fatal situation, You're lucky you even lived.. alcohol poisoning is a killer." she explained then wrote something down.

Everyone in the room grew into a dead silence.. I wouldn't expect them to be happy about me almost taking my life either.

Seth had enough so he just stormed out of the room..

"I-I'm just glad you're okay man.." Dean said with worried eyes then patted my back.

" I am too bro, I am too.. " I said then sighed.




Leila's POV

I sat across from April in a total silence.. crying wasn't an answer. Seeing Seth so depressed like that dampened my soul.. it hurt. He was my everything, he still is. He probably will never forgive someone like me. But if I tell him the truth about that night he'll be after Roman.. I don't think I can handle it.

Aj sighed which pulled me from my thoughts. " You okay, L? " she asked.

I nodded swiftly. " Yeah, I'll be fine. "

She still looked concerned for me but just decided to shake it off. " We should go back to the hotel to check your test. " She finished.

Oh, my test.. I had forgotten all about that.. I pray it has a good result.

I nodded then followed her out of the hospital.





Seth's POV

I paced back and forth in the hallway while I tried to process everything that transpired in the last 24 hours. My fustration got the best of me causing me to kick the garbage can over and scream out of fustration. Roman was my fucking best friend, how could he? I'm not usually a grudge guy but this was something really hard to get over. I'm also angry at Leila for fucking lying to me.. why? I was the best boyfriend she's had.. so she says.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

' Leigha ; Seth we need to talk. '

I stared at the text angrily, I really didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I hesistated at first but then began to reply back.

' This isn't a good time Leigh.. '

' Leigha ; This isn't about us.. it's about our child. '

I froze.. this isn't the time to be fucking joking around.

' Stop the fucking games Leigh.. what are you talking about? '

' Leigha ; I'm pregnant Seth.. you're the father.. '




Leila's POV

" Apes, what does it say? " I asked anxiously.

She went to the bathroom to get the test but froze in her spot when she looked down at it.

" What?! What is it? " I asked getting all worried.

She sighed shakily.. then began to speak. " L, y-you're pregnant. "


* claps slowly * An update! Yaaay, hooray for updates and cliffhangers. Don't expect this on the reg because school started for me today -_- I'll probably update this weekend though!

Smooches xoxo


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