\\ Chapter Twelve //

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Seth's POV

I woke up the next day with the worst hangover you can imagine. I then remembered that I had gotten drunk last night due to my anger. Ugh how could Leila do that to me? I loved her with all my heart. I sighed heavily and walked into the bathroom to start my day ,  I got my stuff out of my suitcase and went into the bathroom . After doing my business I threw on a Glamour Kills t-shirt with some jeans and my black chuck taylors. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a low messy bun then grabbed my keys and walked out.

I got into my rental car and was about to start the engine until my phone buzzed , indicating I had a text message.

"Hey wanna meet up? - Leigha"

I huffed and looked at the text for a second , I had broken up with Leigha as soon as I had sex with Leila, turns out that was all a mistake. I hovered my finger over the 's' and began to type. 

"Sure, meet me at the cafe by the hotel i'm staying at." I replied.

I sighed and started my engine once she accepted. I'm not too thrilled about seeing Leigha again but maybe it will get my mind off of things. 

Leila's POV

I laid in my bed and cried for most of the week. I can't help knowing that I couldn't do anything to not let this happen. I eventually turned off my phone so I wouldn't hear the ' what's wrong ' texts and all that wonderful stuff , it would just tear me down even more. 

Someone softly knocked on my door , causing me to tear free from my thoughts. 

"Coming.." I said softly then slid out of the bed and went to the door. I opened the door and there stood Kaitlyn. Before I could even say anything she walked right past me into my room. 

"What's happened to you? Me and Aj were worried sick? Why is your phone off? You kno-" she was interrupted by me engulfing her into a hug. 

"Calm down Kait, I just haven't been feeling anything lately." I said then pulled away from the hug.

"Aw L you can't keep moping around here and expect Seth to come around and apologize to make everything all better." she said with a concerned yet hopeful face.

I sighed then pushed the hair out of my face. "I-I know it's just that..." I paused. "Nevermind."

She walked over and sat by me on the bed. "L , tell me.. you can tell me anything." she reassured.

I sighed and sniffed a little to keep the tears from falling. "The way he acted.." I trailed. "He acted just like R-Roman the other day..." I said then started crying.

Kaitlyn sighed then wrapped her arms around me , allowing me to cry into her shoulder. 

I don't think I can deal with another day without Colby , I just can't.

Roman's POV

I sat on the couch with my phone in my hand contemplating on whether I should text Leila or not. For some reason I actually feel bad that I ruined what her and Seth had. She actually said she hated me which kind of broke my heart. The door swung open and in came Dean , I looked up at him but he didn't even make eye contact with me. Please don't tell me he was mad too!

"Dean.." I said. 

He ignored my again and walked straight into his room. I could feel my temper going higher than ever before and I tried not to crush the phone that was in my hand. I walked into Dean's room and stood there with my fists clenched , he looked up to see who it was then looked down. 

"Dean why won't you fucking talk to me?!" I exploded. "I thought we were brothers! Now you're taking sides too?" I yelled.

He didn't break any eye contact from his phone which drove me even more up a wall.

"Fine! Be like that.. You're always taking Seth's side. Is it because you've known him longer?!" I asked not even bothering to wait for his answer. "Well you don't have to worry about me anymore!" I said.

He got up and punched the glass table. Shattering it and all of it's contents. He passed back and forth angrily and rubbed his face furiously.

"I'm fucking tired of it okay?! I'm tired of you guys fucking fighting! What happened to being brothers?! We never let a single damn thing ruin our bond! Now all we fucking do is argue!! I'm sick of it..." he trailed. "I'm fucking sick of it."

I just stood there stunned , not sure whether to reply or not. He was right , partially atleast. He stormed out of the room before I could answer. I punched the wall hard . "Fuck my life.." I mumbled then walked into my room while slamming the door behind me. 

I hate this shit.


So yeah , this chapter was a bit sad. I got a little emotional while making it , but hey I cry at almost everything lolol. I will be slowly updating this because I have been busy with other stories that I nearly forgot about this. I want to thank everyone that read this book and voted for it , it means the world to me and I love you guys dearly! xx Toodleloo!


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