The First Battle

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'Dear journal, it's been exactly four months, two weeks, and five days since we left the high school. I keep having this feeling that we haven't seen the last of that woman and her people. Some of them have joined us after seeing who she really is, some mad woman who kills people for the thrill and power. Some of the people said she killed a guy just for taking a can of ravioli. I mean, I guess I could understand after what I did... But besides the negative, the positive thing is that our community has grown. Turning the old neighborhood I grew up in into an entire gated and walled off community. It was a damn good idea, and we've also got a direct connection to the Fort Sill military base, we've already salvaged some pretty decent weaponry.' At this moment Axios walked in with a concerning look on his face. "Our scouts think they've seen a group of them in vehicles coming from the south." Anthony was worried but confident that things would be fine. "Do we have anyone on the south wall?" Axios nods "Okay, have Chad, Kendal, And Ace go West around Pat Henry Elementary and set up a watch to our south west. Then have Jimmy, Playboy, and SangeethJohn go to the east and have ambush points set like we practiced. You and I are going to the south wall to welcome our new guests." A little over 2 hours passed before any noise was made Anthony and Axios wait at the gates for a sign of anyone coming. Just then a engine in the distance begins to roar loudly. A black van with blacked out windows with two other vehicles behind it, with both having words on the side of them reading 'No Police' with the 'No' being spray painted over the 'Police'. Anthony did nothing but smile as the truck suddenly flips and slides, the two police cars stop before hitting the almost invisible wire in the road. Four people get out of the cars two in each one, they stand behind their doors in regular police procedure. They begin aiming their weapons at Axios and Anthony who are standing on the gates looking down on them. One of them yells out "Put your hands up and we will take you two without hurting anyone else!" Axios puts up one hand, and closes his fists *BANG BANG BANG BANG* gunshots are fired from multiple directions. All the fighters lay on the ground dead. " ! That was better than shoot'n bucks in the woods in November!" Said Playboy excitedly. Everyone begins coming out, Anthony takes caution while walking up the van that has flipped. He gets to the driver side door and signals Ace and Chad to stand near while he opens the door. He grabs the handle and quickly opens the door and aims his gun at the driver. He's tied up and his head is covered with a sack, he quickly grabs the sack and pulls it off. It's Sgt. Morales, he has a gag over his mouth. Anthony takes it off of him and he frantically says "Did you get the other truck?! Please tell me you got the other truck?!" Anthony looks at him with a smile "Relax, there isn't another-" *Engine revs* Axios says "No..." Anthony screams "It's a trap! Everyone inside now!!" Anthony grabs Morales and takes him inside the gates. The truck this time armored comes barreling down the street and it smashes straight through the wall and crashed into a house. All residents watch in awe, trying to comprehend the situation at hand. The truck lays still for a moment, Anthony looks at the sun then asks Axios "What time is it?" Axios looks at his watch and reads the time aloud "6:42 P.M." He looks at Anthony who's still carrying Morales. Anthony's eyes widen and he yells "Everyone get inside now! Get to your homes and lock your doors and windows! Stay away from the streets until we tell you to come out!" The truck began to shake, banging and groaning coming from the back of it. The person driving the truck jumps out hurt from the crash and goes to the back unlocking a lock with a chain on the back doors. The chains fall and he tries to back away but trips and falls over struggling to get back up. The infected begin pouring out of the truck falling onto the man, eating him alive. Anthony gives Morales to a man passing by and tells him to take him the a doctor nearby and turns to Axios "Axios get some people and get them armed we have to kill these things before they draw more into the community." They manage to fight them off with no loses but much of the community left in ruins. Anthony walks to the destroyed house burning with anger. "She'll pay for this. Not today, maybe not tomorrow, but she'll pay. This was only The First Battle."

End of Chapter The First Battle

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