The Real People In Charge Pt. 1

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"You've got no idea how many times I almost kicked the bucket out there." Anthony said while chewing off a piece of fried chicken. He continued "But thanks to Marissa, our daughter, she helped me keep pushing on. She even saved my life once..." Melissa is silent rubbing Marissa head while she sleeps. "How did she do that?" Melissa asked. "Well, we were sleeping on top of an apartment complex one night, and when I woke up the next morning she decided she'd go exploring." Melissa looked at him with concern then at Marissa thinking to herself that if she was awake she'd be giving her such a lecture. "Anyway, I went looking for her and when I thought I'd never find her I heard her scream. I've never ran so fast in my entire life." Anthony eyes watered thinking about the intense moment as he spoke. "She was trapped in a closet with one of those things banging on the door outside trying to get in." Anthony began to shake "I ran at it, tackled it to the floor and just started pounding its face in and then finally I grabbed the nearest sharp object and killed it." He was quite for a moment "Then I heard something fall behind me assuming it was Marissa coming out of the door. Next thing I know I'm taken to the ground with another one of them trying it's damndest to eat me alive. I reached for my gun but the thing hit my arm and I dropped it" Anthony stopped for a moment to drink some apple juice. "I thought for sure it was over, it started to overpower me with each passing moment then-" "I shot it" Marissa interrupted as she woke from her nap. Anthony's eyes darted to Melissa he just knew she was going flip her shit. Melissa was surprisingly quite and uneasy but finally said "I'm proud of you baby, you did the right thing saving your fathers life." Anthony sighed in relief "Now move so I can kill daddy." Anthony's eyes widened as Melissa jumped onto him yelling and punching at him. "How could you let our daughter just wonder off, how could you let her get trapped like that, and how the hell could you let her use a damn gun?!" Anthony laughs and pushes her off "I knew that was coming, but it wasn't my choice-" "wait" Melissa interrupted "How the hell does she know how to use a gun??" Anthony looks at Melissa then at Marissa then back and once more at Marissa and says "Run!" "YOU MOTHER FUCKER WHY WOULD YOU TEACH OUR 9 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER HOW TO SHOOT GUNS?! Anthony is laughing while running away "She had to learn! If she ended up on her own I wanted her to to survive somehow!" Melissa stops and looks at him for a moment "I swear when I get my hands around your throat I'll-" *Clears throat* Axios was standing in the doorway with a grin on his face. "Seems like you two are getting along after being apart for so long." Anthony knew he was here for a reason. "What's going on?" He asked Axios smiles "Come on, it's time you met The Real People In Charge." Anthony looked at him confused "I thought you were in charge?" "No, I'm just in charge of who comes in and who leaves leaves. The ones in charge said I have the ability to read people, that I can tell the difference between a bad person and a good person." Anthony didn't know what to think at first "Well let's see these people." Anthony and Axios walk down the hall to a room that reads "Crime Stoppers" Axios knocks on the door and a woman's voice says "Enter". They enter the room to see three people sitting at a desk. "So this must be the Lone Survivor." Says the woman at the desk Anthony grins and puts his hand out to shake hands with the people but only one of them reaches back. Axios looked a bit concerned so he began introducing everyone. "This is Anthony Riss, I've actually known him since we were children our family's were very close. They all look at him, thinking and judging him. Axios continues "Anthony this is Sgt. Morales his in charge of the security and weapon inventory. This is Lt. Jose-" Anthony interrupts "Yeah I know who em." They look at each other with disgust. "Uhh yeahh" Axios continues "Well this is Chief of Police Alexandria Whales." The woman looks at him and then speakers "Hello there Mr.Riss, so you were the last person to see Mark and John alone? She asked "Yes ma'am" Anthony replied. The woman examined him further "You know where the truck with the food supplies is located as well?" Anthony says "Yes I do, it's about an hours walk from here due east." Lt. Jose jumps at Anthony and pins his head down to the woman's desk, Axios steps forward to help Anthony but is stopped by Sgt. Morales who is holding a gun to his face and says "I'm sorry Axios but this has to happen." Then the woman stands up and pulls the pistol from her holster and puts the gun to Anthony's head and begins talking "John and Mark were my sons, that truck.. that truck was their fathers. Now as I see it or the way that this looks, is you killed my boys, made them tell you where we were and you've parked the truck somewhere so if this place didn't work out you could take your family and leave with our food. Now that's the way I see it. Care to tell me that I'm wrong?" Anthony struggles to speak with the man pushing his face down making it hard for him to breath and speak "You're *Ugh* wrong, I didn't kill them. They saved mine and my daughters lives and helped us escape." The woman smiles an evil smile and leans in close to a Anthony's ear "Didn't your mama teach you not to lie? JOHN get in here!"

....To Be Continued

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