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"It's been 20 minutes. Where the hell Morales and that weird janitor Jeremy?" Asked Playboy, "I don't know but something doesn't feel right I knew something was up." Anthony said grabbing his pistol and walking towards the door. He stopped when he heard the door handle shaking, the door swung open and there was standing Jeremy with a smile on his face "Come, Come I just talked to everyone downstairs they want to meet you all." He said "Uh yeah, where's our friend?" Melissa asked, Jeremy said with enthusiasm "Oh don't you worry he's already downstairs meeting with everyone." They all hesitate to move at first but Anthony starts leading them out the door. They reach the door and Jeremy puts in a code to open the door and it opens slowly. The first room they entered was empty, "Uh Jeremy? Where is everyone?" Anthony asked "Yeah, it's emptier then a bar after midnight in here." Added Playboy, "Oh! They all went to the cafeteria, they wanted to make the first time meeting you a good first impression." Jeremy insisted, he pointed at a door where the cafeteria was. Through the small windows to the door they saw Morales, he saw them to and opened the door and said "Guys.. you've GOT to see this." They all looked at one another, they approached the door and walked inside and to their surprise were tons of manikins standing around the room in doctor coats and nurse robes. "Uh okay... NOT what I was expecting at all." Anthony stated, "Jeremy? Are these your uh.. friends you mentioned?" He added "Yes! They love you already, this is Marsha." Jeremy said putting his arm around the manikin "That's Adam, George, Samantha, and Callie, oh oh and THIS is the doctor I've been talking about so much!" He ran to the back of the cafeteria, "Okay guys we have to get the FUCK out of here like now!" Anthony said quietly to the group, "Yeah seriously this guy is insane." Melissa added "Guys he's not dangerous, he's just confused." Morales stated, "What? The guy is literally living with manikins!" Playboy said intensely, "Yeah so? He's not crazy.. he's actually pretty smart, he helped me get the power on on his own, he actually kept this place running for months on his own. I think he's just been out here to long... not enough time around other people." Anthony looked at him and he actually believed what he was saying "Yeah, maybe you're right. He doesn't seem to worried about killing us but he won't be happy about us leaving either and I don't need my daughter in danger so let's just go before he gets back okay?" Morales looked down and back at him "Maybe he should come with us.." Anthony quickly stopped him "No. we have enough mouths to feed as it is, we don't need another, and he's crazy he could mess around get someone killed." Morales continues to argue, "Look I get that but he's out here alone, we can't just leave him-" just then Jeremy walks into the room and drops a manikin on the ground and the head pops off and rolls to Marissas feet. "You're leaving?.. Why? Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to! I know things are a little different here but we can make it work. Ug! This is what happened last time!" He grabbed a knife of the counter and pointed it towards them. "Whoa Jeremy put the knife down okay?" Morales said "We don't want to fight with you, we were just talking about leaving-" Jeremy interrupted him "YEAH LEAVING ME HERE AGAIN, ALONE!" He stepped closer and everyone stepped back "Whoa hey Jeremy, no no we weren't going to leave you I swear. We were going to ask if you wanted to come with us." Morales insisted and Anthony looked at him and Morales looked back, this pissed Anthony off. "Come with you? Really?" Jeremy relaxed a bit more and slightly lowered the knife. "Yeahh we were just talking about how you and your "friends" should come with us. We are going to D.C." Morales was stepping closer to him slowly. "I don't know... how do I know you won't just leave without me?" Jeremy asked, "I promise we won't leave without you." Morales was almost close enough to grab the knife away from him, but he stepped on the foot of one of the manikins and it fell over. Jeremy steps back raising the knife startled, *BANG* Jeremy's body fell to the floor... blood covered Morales's face, "You're welcome." Axios said standing in the doorway. "What the fuck!" Morales yelled, "What?" Axios asked, "You fucking asshole! You killed him!" Morales was getting louder, "Uh Yeah? Was I not supposed to?" Axios said confused, "You fucking animals, all you do is kill whoever walks into your path. He was an innocent man, he was just confused and didn't know who to trust! He was going to trust me. There's no way I'm going to D.C. with you people, you'll just kill everyone there or some shit!" Morales was getting anxious and restless and started to pace around the room. "Calm down Morales." Melissa said, "Shut the fuck up bitch! You're just as crazy as your damn husband!" He yelled in her face." *BAM* Morales falls to the floor grabbing his face. "If you EVER talk to my wife like that again I will kill you." Anthony said, "Just do it! I'm not going there with you, I'm going alone." Morales got up and started walking to the exit. "We can't let him leave." Axios said, "Why?" Playboy asked, "Because if we do, he'll tell the people in D.C. that we are just killers and they won't let us in." Axios said looking at Anthony, Anthony looked at Marissa and Melissa. "Get them back to the mall.. I'll handle Morales." Anthony said and grabbed his pistol and put it into his holster, "Hey! Where do you think you're going." Anthony yelled out to Morales who was walking down a snowy road still holding on to face. "Oh what?! You gonna punch me in my face again?!" Morales yelled down the street. "Funny I was thinking I just end it quick and shoot you, but that sounds more fun for me. I've been waiting for this since back in Oklahoma." Anthony started to run at Morales and Morales stood his ground ready. Anthony takes a dive at him and tackles him to the ground and they began tumbling on the ground punching each other, trading blows, Anthony finally gets Morales on his back and pulls out his pistol. "I'm not sorry it had to come to this." Anthony points the gun at Morales and begins to squeeze the trigger. "AGHH" a group of infected come from down the street, coming straight for Anthony and Morales. Morales take the opportunity to punch Anthony in the face causing him to fall off of him and causing the gun to slid across the ice. "Son of a bitch that hurt!" Anthony yelled, "Fuck you!" Morales said and threw a snowball at Anthony, he chased Morales down an ally and backed him into a corner. "Morales you can either come back with me and we can go to D.C. together or... we finish this here." Morales didn't reply and just stared at Anthony. "Ha... I was hoping you'd say that." Anthony ran at Morales and punched him multiple times before knocking him to the ground, Anthony slipped and hit his head on the side of a dumpster. He got back up dazed, Morales punched him and they both fell over. The group of infected started to close in on them getting closer. Anthony though to himself, "I have to get this over with... or I'll die trying to kill this prick." He looked at Morales and looked at the infected who were moving faster then usual. "Let's finish this." Anthony grabbed a rock and threw it at Morales's face, he hit the wall behind him and Anthony knees his stomach and throws him into one of the infected. "AHHH! FUCK! FUCK YOU! YOULL BURN FOR THIS! AHH AHH!" The dead were eating him alive, and Anthony climbed onto a dumpster and jumped over the fence behind it.
10 mins later
"Hey guys... lets get to D.C.

End of Chapter Mistakes

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